Healing Testimonies


What type of testimonies would you like to read?

The way everyone sees and reflects our family is so nourishing.

Thank you all for the beautiful retreat this past weekend! I feel so grateful to have discovered the CLM community this past year, and to be able to be present in the healing energy held and mirrored at these retreats. I was able to experience during the healing sessions on Saturday a larger space of love and support around me that I now have as a reference point to carry through my week and beyond – and the way everyone sees and reflects our family unit is so nourishing. We are all so grateful!

Learning to love oneself deeply

Thank you for your beautiful CLM talk, so honest, profound and touching, showing your vulnerability. It showed me that much focus and intention is needed to let go of concepts and habits, so one can love oneself more deeply.

I received many jolts of Joy and deep healing.

Dear Healing Teams, Thank you all for holding such a high space for healing in the breakout rooms. I received many jolts of Joy and deep healing on every level of my being. I was energized at the end of the retreat. That has never happened before! Thank you for helping me learn to receive loving healing.

Barbara Rose
My heart is cracking open.

Thank you for offering this holiday series. The energy flowing through the talk tonight was incredible. The Presence was truly present. I cried through most of it! They weren’t tears of sadness. My heart is cracking open. It’s hard to put into words. I could feel the stillness and the love that was available to all of us on the call. Thank you. Silent Night has always been one of my favorite Christmas songs. I remember singing it in both German and English as a child. It was always magical. And it still is! Love you all!

Maya Paul
Marin County, CA
Brought me back to God and a feeling of Love eternal

In 2019, I had a healing at a Celebrating Life Ministries healing service. The afternoon started with music that put me in the mood to receive, what, I didn’t know. A trio of leaders approached me as it was my turn and there were three Angels standing around me with their hands on my heart. The trio told me it was OK to help myself and to love myself and whatever else was said was so emotional that I was almost convulsing from crying so hard with tears of love and joy rolling down my face. It felt like Open-Heart surgery. Since that time, I’ve sought out more. I want to feel that same emotion that I felt, the Holy Spirit entering my life for perhaps the first time on a conscious level. That one event brought me back to God and a feeling of Love eternal.

Mark Didier
Chicago, IL
Helps me feel more connected and trust in guidance.

I’m sending big thanks and lots of gratitude for the January 6th Zoom Service. I needed the calming advice and assistance in what and how to focus my energy after the attack on the Capitol in DC with the reminder and understanding that We are One. I absolutely love it when Padre and the Bishops teach. Three points of view on the same topic. There is so much knowledge there. I appreciate “The Fathers” admitting their struggles and how they deal with them by turning to God. It helps me recognize what is bothering me and helps me to feel more connected to the CLM community and trust in the guidance I am receiving. I have ordered The Healing Path of Prayer. Seeing Bishop Dana’s well-worn copy was recommendation enough.

Kate Bradley
I felt circled with love, with joy, with peace.

I was just online for the Joy retreat and I wanted to share with you how powerful that was for me. It really reminded me there is no such thing as time and space. I have been struggling with anxiety and panic attacks regularly for the last week or two and it has been very overwhelming. It has made me question if there is something wrong with me, and really contemplate my mental health- worrying me and bringing up wounds of abandonment, worthiness, and feeling really alone. When the healings started and I felt God’s presence come over me, my heart started racing and I thought I was having another panic attack, but I realized it was more of a love attack. I felt overcome with love and peace and the words that “there is nothing wrong with me”. I felt circled with love, with joy, with peace.

Kristin Fries


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