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Come to the Well: An Evening of Healing & Prayer Come to the Well: An Evening of Healing & Prayer
Padre Paul & CLM Community
July 19, 2024

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Come to the Well: An Evening of Healing & Prayer

Friday, July 19, 2024

5:00 - 8:30pm Pacific
6:00 - 9:30pm Mountain
7:00 - 10:30pm Central
8:00 - 11:30pm Eastern
9:00 - 12:30am Atlantic

Join us for a relaxed evening of music, prayer, and healing. This mini-retreat will restore your spirit and allow you to tap into and soak in the Divine's loving presence. This evening will be led by Padre Paul, Rev. Robert Bearden, Rev. Renee Plendl, and Monk Ryan Rigoli. Music will be provided by Rev. Angelika Schafer.
Bring your prayer intentions to put in the Zoom chat.

About our Presenters

Monk Ryan Rigoli

Ryan Rigoli is a Professed Monk and Musician in Celebrating Life where he shares God’s healing Presence through devotional music, prayer, and wisdom rooted in the Heart. From a young age, Ryan was a seeker of truth, immersing himself in the mystical teachings of many traditions.  Through personal experiences that awakened his Heart, he realized Love’s essential role in living a life of inner freedom and joy as his offering in the world.

As a Spiritual Coach & Teacher, Ryan draws upon his own journey of awakening consciousness to support people as they deepen in their spiritual growth & connection with God. Ryan is a teacher at the Foundation for Spiritual Development, an Ananda Sevak with the Golden Age Movement, and is trained as an Integral Coach ®. In 2023, he released his fifth piano album, ‘Harmony’,  in collaboration with his father on vibraphone, as a way to support people with healing and inner peace. 



 Rev. Renee Plendl 

Renee attended her first Healing Intensive with Ron Roth in 2003 in Arizona, she knew then her life would be forever changed. She has attended all of the retreats since that time and found that each retreat continues to be a sacred healing sanctuary for her soul.

 In the fall of 2010 Renee was professed a monk in the Spirit of Peace Monastic Community and was professed a bishop in 2023. Since her profession her relationship with the Divine has continued to grow into loving awareness - to live with an open heart.  

Rev. Robert Bearden

Robert Bearden is a dedicated spiritual healer in San Francisco.
He has studied various principles of healing in Brazil, India, Canada, Mexico, and throughout North America. In 2022 he experienced Medjugorje for the second time to deepen his own personal connection with God. Robert is an Ordained Monk and serves as a Bishop within CLM.
Padre Paul Funfsinn
For over 40 years, Padre Paul has been a Spiritual Leader of Celebrating Life Ministries and continues the Healing Ministry legacy of Rev Ron Roth. Paul has a prophetic gift of reading people's hearts from his relationship with the Holy Spirit as well as welcoming people into God's Holy Presence. Leading prayer & healing services, as well as private spiritual consultation, is his strength where heaven and earth meet up!
Padre Paul was a mentor under international healer Rev Ron Roth, for 28 years until his passing. Paul now assumes the role of Spiritual Shepherd of this loving community and his mission is to "heal the sick" and "set people free" from oppression and negative energies.
Rev. Angelika Schafer

Angelika’s gift of music touches the heart; through her inspiring compositions, soothing voice and instruments she channels the frequencies and healing energies of the angelic realms and leads us gently into that deeper space within. She sings ancient chants/Prayers from different traditions, Mantras for healing, Bhajans for singing along and her original songs accompanied by a 50 string Tamboura/Monochord and guitar.

Several contemporary mystics and masters gave special dispensation for Angelika’s music ministry to conduct powerful blessings. She has published 12 CDs and shares her music and inspirational talks worldwide at spiritual gatherings, ceremonies, conferences and healing retreats.


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Co-founders Paul Funfsinn (L), Spiritual Leader and Director of Celebrating Life Ministries and the late Ron Roth (R), Spiritual Shepherd Emeritus.

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