Healing Testimonies


So much love and joy

Dear Padre, Ryan and Christi, I’m so grateful to you all for tonight, so much Love and Joy flowed into my Heart…..thank you for the Gift of Presence and Silence tonight…I loved the miraculous that was shared tonight….  Beautiful prayers of Healing tonight touched me so deeply.

Bishop Renee
Causeless Love

What a gorgeous service last night!! I received a deeper transmission of ananda and causeless love. You provided me with an important road map.

My inner ear and balance have been shifting.

Dear Team,The Holy Spirit and Padre knew exactly what I needed for healing. The Presence of the Holy Spirit was strong during the entire healings.  I feel blessed for the opportunity to be in this space. Since the retreat, my inner ear and balance have been shifting, and I am confident that there will be a change and healing in my vestibular system.  Praise God.

Prachi Murarka
I feel blessed beyond measure. 

What a truly gorgeous retreat- gorgeous is the best word to describe the heart, truth, growth, healing, and intention that was collectively present. I was reflecting on my growth- from constricted and fearful to devotional surrender and feeling this heart-expansive appreciation for God’s insistence, for CLM’s holding and for the willingness of my mind to submit to my authentic tone. I feel blessed beyond measure.

The way everyone sees and reflects our family is so nourishing.

Thank you all for the beautiful retreat this past weekend! I feel so grateful to have discovered the CLM community this past year, and to be able to be present in the healing energy held and mirrored at these retreats. I was able to experience during the healing sessions on Saturday a larger space of love and support around me that I now have as a reference point to carry through my week and beyond – and the way everyone sees and reflects our family unit is so nourishing. We are all so grateful!

Thank you for seeing me and the permission to shine.

Dear Team, What a powerful retreat! Friday night I was completely knocked out and glued to my bed.  The Presence was thick like a heavy blanket.  I could barely open my eyes, talk or move.  Saturday morning I had received Padre and Ryan’s blessings, as I felt the divine drawing in closer, arms enfolding me. In the second Room, Dana asked me, “Do you know the meaning of your name?”  (My mother had named me after her favorite Thai soap opera star.)  He suggested I find the meaning of my name, to help anchor in my purpose.  He then guided me to sit in a pond of God, and allow myself to be immersed in it. Later on, I looked up the Thai meaning of Chalita: shining or bright. Thank you for seeing me, for giving me permission to shine.

Chalita Photikoe
I have returned to stillness.

“It was an incredible 4 days! You probably don’t remember, with everyone leaving at the time, but I shared with you that it had a profound effect on me. I have indeed been able to return to “stillness” and sit with the Divine… MUCH more easily than prior to the Retreat and also really have internalized Jesus… much closer … a true friend. Thank you, thank you!”

I began having feeling/sensations in places that have been paralyzed for the past 14 years.

Thank you so much for the retreat. It was one of the most transformative experiences that I have ever had. I have been involved in spirituality for most of my adult life. Most of it was wonderful and added value and made me feel connected to God.Despite that, I had only a little physical healing,,, not very substantial. Healing was slow and over a very long period of time with very subtle and minimal effects.

After the retreat, I began to really heal! In a truly noticeable, profound and miraculous way. I began having feeling/sensations in places that have been paralyzed for the past 14 years.

WOW, I am so grateful to you and everyone. You have no idea how many healers I have been to…trying for years and years. What I experienced at the retreat has changed my life forever. I have the deepest honor and appreciation for your Miracles.

Diana Belenky
Learning to love oneself deeply

Thank you for your beautiful CLM talk, so honest, profound and touching, showing your vulnerability. It showed me that much focus and intention is needed to let go of concepts and habits, so one can love oneself more deeply.

The healing was strong.

I listened to the recording of the call yesterday and the beauty of it was so deep for me. I’m so grateful for you. I had to go and lie down towards the end when the prayers were starting. The healing was so strong and there was something very important about having my eyes closed. Blessings, thanks and love,

You were all clear channels for the Presence of God.

Thank you for an extraordinary retreat. I experienced the depth of healing and connection of a three retreat, elegantly compressed into one day. Padre Paul, Bishop Bob and Bishop Dana, along with all of the support staff, were clear channels for the Presence of God, which truly worked miracles.

Susan Wallace
The Guidance and the Community revived the fabric of God in me.

Full of Grace, I wanted to share this with you. For a long, long long time, I have done this all alone, can remember deep space floating and with god (a fraction of what I have now).I was able to grow quite a bit, knowledge power, contentment, etc. But it wasn’t, isn’t till this lifetime, with my wife/ Maria Lucia that I have experienced transcendental growth and these new levels of profound experience of God. Leading to last weekend’s retreat, where before I would attend “independent and alone”, the first moment I sat down tapped into the intention, Blue and Platinum water ran up my spine like a waterfall or geyser and Mary Magdalene removed this baby octopus from my heart, which I was previously trying to battle on my own. The Grace that emanated continued into the talks and our group sessions. Dana led our Saturday group and brought this big piece that has been missing for me; to my attention, PRESENCE. I sat with it, and started to break down over Saturday and into Sunday. Then on Sunday in the session led by Bobbee, I brought up my experience, and Bobbee and the Grace continued and delivered another puzzle piece of God into my heart,my soul, and the river continues to flow, into my life my now, my presence. The Grace, that this community, your community represents , and the fact that I’m now not dependent on it, but how the Guidance, the Community revive the fabric of God in me is beyond words beyond (needing to) understand and without self (the little self). All I have is Grace, Faith and Presence. Much gratitude as always, but even more sincerely now ! See you all in the river!

Bob Duijn
Brought me back to God and a feeling of Love eternal

In 2019, I had a healing at a Celebrating Life Ministries healing service. The afternoon started with music that put me in the mood to receive, what, I didn’t know. A trio of leaders approached me as it was my turn and there were three Angels standing around me with their hands on my heart. The trio told me it was OK to help myself and to love myself and whatever else was said was so emotional that I was almost convulsing from crying so hard with tears of love and joy rolling down my face. It felt like Open-Heart surgery. Since that time, I’ve sought out more. I want to feel that same emotion that I felt, the Holy Spirit entering my life for perhaps the first time on a conscious level. That one event brought me back to God and a feeling of Love eternal.

Mark Didier
Chicago, IL
I am so grateful for the pure healing space you hold.

Thank you so much for the Advent/Holiday retreat and all the other events offered during this past year.The flavors were all a little different but the vibration was always high. I am so grateful for the pure healing space you hold which I especially experienced when I had the honor of being in your group.In this event the idea of making the 7 Promises of God the focus for our reflections on healings received and desired was brilliant. During other events when asked to express our insights, experiences, feelings etc I would right away be distracted by my busy, controlling, “figuring out” mind and would drop out of the space of intuition and greater possibilities. My ego would get involved which was counterproductive for my healing.Since we were focused on what spoke to us or which number of the 7 promises lit up (in my case peace and strength), I could bypass my mind and open up to deeper healing. This process also showed me what to commit to and where to put my intention first in my daily life, i.e. to seek the peace of God first, before speaking, eating, sleeping, texting, emailing, doing etc.Thank you for your generous heart and your courage to express your true self.

Elke Paul
Mill Valley, CA
The Christ Light was pouring through.

There are few words which can express the Tender Mercies which poured this the Zoom this evening. The experiential Christ Light was brightly pouring through each part of the profound evening of Grace.

I want to stay here forever!

I listened to your talk with my eyes closed and soak up every word, every tone, every vibration of the silence and stillness you offered. Your whole-hearted words were powerfully profound, inspirational and empowering.  The Presence in my room is the highest it has been in a long time.  I want to stay here forever! I know we share that gift for our community.  I love that you used the advent wreath as a humble structure for magnificent wisdom and depth to shine through you.

My heart is cracking open.

Thank you for offering this holiday series. The energy flowing through the talk tonight was incredible. The Presence was truly present. I cried through most of it! They weren’t tears of sadness. My heart is cracking open. It’s hard to put into words. I could feel the stillness and the love that was available to all of us on the call. Thank you. Silent Night has always been one of my favorite Christmas songs. I remember singing it in both German and English as a child. It was always magical. And it still is! Love you all!

Maya Paul
Marin County, CA
A Sense of Peace

Wow. Such a powerful message tonight. If somebody asked me how I was several hours ago, I probably would have said that I was in a pretty good place. But Padre, Christi Levannier and Ryan Rigoli really brought me to another level, another world tonight. Such a sense of peace. Facing big challenges with grace. I know our website speaks of our community as devoted to “a direct experience of the Divine.” Tonight I felt that. Thank you, Padre, Christi and Ryan. Thank you CLM.

Rev Jeff Olson
I feel that the cells of my body have been re-arranged!

To all the wonderful Beings of Light who gave us a Jolt of Joy, Wow!!! From the opening prayers on Friday, to the music and gifts of the Friday program, to the Saturday prayers, the talks by the Three Wise Men, the breakout rooms, to the final closing moments, truly, an amazing retreat!!!!  I experienced a deep healing on Saturday that continued working in me as I slept and into the next day. I feel that the cells of my body have been re-arranged! I am so blessed to be part of this community, and I thank each of you from the bottom of my heart.  May blessings surround you this Christmas, and work within all of us in 2023. Much, much love to each of you.

Susan Wallace
I felt immense healing!

Thank you so much for such a touching, deep, healing space that you created! I felt the Presence throughout my body, especially my heart & surgical leg! I felt Immense healing! Deep gratitude for all you have done!

The Divine Presence Washed Over Me

From the beautiful beginning prayers, Ryan your Presence-filled presentation, the Divine music, and the prayers from Padre, Ryan, & Christi…I experienced the Divine Presence wash over me, calm my busy mind and a sweet stillness fill my being. Deep gratitude for the wonderful gift that you provided tonight!Many blessings and love to each of you!

Mary Kay Simmons
Helps me feel more connected and trust in guidance.

I’m sending big thanks and lots of gratitude for the January 6th Zoom Service. I needed the calming advice and assistance in what and how to focus my energy after the attack on the Capitol in DC with the reminder and understanding that We are One. I absolutely love it when Padre and the Bishops teach. Three points of view on the same topic. There is so much knowledge there. I appreciate “The Fathers” admitting their struggles and how they deal with them by turning to God. It helps me recognize what is bothering me and helps me to feel more connected to the CLM community and trust in the guidance I am receiving. I have ordered The Healing Path of Prayer. Seeing Bishop Dana’s well-worn copy was recommendation enough.

Kate Bradley
I felt circled with love, with joy, with peace.

I was just online for the Joy retreat and I wanted to share with you how powerful that was for me. It really reminded me there is no such thing as time and space. I have been struggling with anxiety and panic attacks regularly for the last week or two and it has been very overwhelming. It has made me question if there is something wrong with me, and really contemplate my mental health- worrying me and bringing up wounds of abandonment, worthiness, and feeling really alone. When the healings started and I felt God’s presence come over me, my heart started racing and I thought I was having another panic attack, but I realized it was more of a love attack. I felt overcome with love and peace and the words that “there is nothing wrong with me”. I felt circled with love, with joy, with peace.

Kristin Fries
A deeper dive in Divine Presence

Thank you Padre Paul, Rev/Monk Susan, and Brother Craig for the powerful experience of prayer, contemplation, sacred scripture and communion on Good Friday. On this Easter Eve, you prepared us for the More for tomorrow! This is my favorite Season.  Your collective spiritual maturity offered me the invitation of deeper dive in Divine Presence. Nice! Hallelujah! Love to all of you.

Rev. Darlene


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