Healing Testimonials

Sharing Experiences of God's Grace and Love
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Testimony Requests

Sharing your story is a healing for others.

Celebrating Life Ministries warmly invites you to share your healing miracle stories with us. Our intention is to gather these testimonials to reveal the wonders of God’s grace and inspire others. If you have a healing miracle story you’re willing to share, we would be honored to hear from you and spread the blessings of your experience to our community.

Please include the following in your testimonial:

Describe your healing experience and its impact on your life (e.g., physical healing, deeper connection to God, new perspective, increased peace, healed relationships, etc.).

Consider mentioning the prayer or intention you had before your healing.

If you are comfortable, include your name and city at the end of your testimonial; otherwise, your story will be shared anonymously.

If you prefer a phone or Zoom interview with a member of our CLM team to record or write your testimonial, please let us know about your healing miracle, and we will provide more details.

Strong Testimonials form submission spinner.


Write how you would like to show your name or enter "anonymous".
This is for admin purposes only.
Share where you are from if you like.
A short phrase summarizing your testimonial.
Share what would benefit others about your healing story.

“I am realistic – I expect miracles.”

― Wayne W. Dyer

People leave CLM retreats feeling touched in their hearts. They feel changed. There is joy running through their beings for no particular reason. A Lightness of Being. Some are alleviated of pain or illness, some are more emotionally at peace. All feel loved and accepted without having to conform to any set beliefs, and yet they have a direct experience of the Divine.


Here you will find their stories.

Thank you for seeing me and the permission to shine.

Dear Team, What a powerful retreat! Friday night I was completely knocked out and glued to my bed.  The Presence was thick like a heavy blanket.  I could barely open my eyes, talk or move.  Saturday morning I had received Padre and Ryan’s blessings, as I felt the divine drawing in closer, arms enfolding me. In the second Room, Dana asked me, “Do you know the meaning of your name?”  (My mother had named me after her favorite Thai soap opera star.)  He suggested I find the meaning of my name, to help anchor in my purpose.  He then guided me to sit in a pond of God, and allow myself to be immersed in it. Later on, I looked up the Thai meaning of Chalita: shining or bright. Thank you for seeing me, for giving me permission to shine.

Chalita Photikoe

I feel that the cells of my body have been re-arranged!

To all the wonderful Beings of Light who gave us a Jolt of Joy, Wow!!! From the opening prayers on Friday, to the music and gifts of the Friday program, to the Saturday prayers, the talks by the Three Wise Men, the breakout rooms, to the final closing moments, truly, an amazing retreat!!!!  I experienced a deep healing on Saturday that continued working in me as I slept and into the next day. I feel that the cells of my body have been re-arranged! I am so blessed to be part of this community, and I thank each of you from the bottom of my heart.  May blessings surround you this Christmas, and work within all of us in 2023. Much, much love to each of you.

Susan Wallace

Helps me feel more connected and trust in guidance.

I’m sending big thanks and lots of gratitude for the January 6th Zoom Service. I needed the calming advice and assistance in what and how to focus my energy after the attack on the Capitol in DC with the reminder and understanding that We are One. I absolutely love it when Padre and the Bishops teach. Three points of view on the same topic. There is so much knowledge there. I appreciate “The Fathers” admitting their struggles and how they deal with them by turning to God. It helps me recognize what is bothering me and helps me to feel more connected to the CLM community and trust in the guidance I am receiving. I have ordered The Healing Path of Prayer. Seeing Bishop Dana’s well-worn copy was recommendation enough.

Kate Bradley

The way everyone sees and reflects our family is so nourishing.

Thank you all for the beautiful retreat this past weekend! I feel so grateful to have discovered the CLM community this past year, and to be able to be present in the healing energy held and mirrored at these retreats. I was able to experience during the healing sessions on Saturday a larger space of love and support around me that I now have as a reference point to carry through my week and beyond – and the way everyone sees and reflects our family unit is so nourishing. We are all so grateful!



Your generosity fuels our mission to make God real again, bringing wholeness through a deep relationship with the Divine.


Join us for monthly calls, online services or in-person retreats to immerse in a healing space filled with wisdom, love, and grace. 


Do you have a need in your life right now? Our community of monks, ministers, friars, and brothers read your requests and pray for people daily.