
Stories of Inspiration, Healing and Encounters with the Divine

The Doorway to God

 By Monk Thomas HildebrandThe doorway of truth like all doorways, if only opened partway, the...

Beyond Grateful

 By Bishop Renee PlendlThis time of year always brings me into a space of quiet reflection...

Allowing the Unknown

 By Alexandra VelickovicOver the summer I gifted myself a week of time to paint. I have been...

Cartwheel Dreaming

 By Rev. Jeff OlsonI had a two-part dream. Part 1… In a hall with a stage-like platform up...

Be Still and Know

 By Friar Lisa KayWhen I was about eight years old, my parents went out for the evening and...

Hold Onto God

 By Veronica CowenChange is the only constant. This is a statement we have all heard. We know...

Embracing Change

 By Monk Maya PaulChange is constant in this world. Everything that lives is either expanding...

God in the Garden

 By Rev. Wendy ChojnowskiI’ve spent my adult life tending to a garden in one form or another....


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