The Education Program

A Living, Breathing Experience of Spirit

“Peace will come to the hearts of men when they realize their oneness with the universe, It is everywhere.”
-Black Elk

Knowing the soul within

A Personal Process of Spiritual Growth

The CLM Education Program, designed in the spirit of Ron Roth, is a personal process of spiritual growth. At the heart of the program is the breath of the Holy Spirit. Each level encompasses a living, breathing experience of Spirit, with the expansive goal of drawing each student closer to knowing the “soul within” that is in perpetual union with the Divine.

““When folks ask me how they can get their loved ones to love God and be open to the loving and transforming energy of Holy Spirit, I say, ‘Show them your life’. If you want your loved ones to change, you change, because that’s what they’ll be looking at. If you go to a church, synagogue, mosque, temple, meditation session, yoga weekend, or healing workshop, but you come back unchanged and continue with the same negative attitude and unloving behavior, the people in your life won’t see any reason to change themselves.”
– Ron Roth, Holy Spirit for Healing


CLM Education Program Levels

The CLM Education Program is a three-level process designed to support you in deepening and strengthening your relationship with the Divine. Each level has its own intention, expectations, goals, and rewards for deepening and expressing your relationship with God.


The beginning level’s goal is to help you begin to build your personal relationship with God. The focus in this level is coming to know God as Love, and know yourself as Loved. You will look at ideas or concepts of yourself and your relationship to God, and begin to discern the truth about your life and purpose.


In the second level, the goal is to deepen your trust and reliance on God. You will become more attuned to the Guidance of the Divine in your daily life, and shift into living more fully in the Presence. At this level, students are expected to have a daily prayer practice that supports them on both the inner and outer planes. You will be assigned to a Prayer Partner from the CLM Monk/Ordained Community for monthly prayer sessions.


The goal of the third level is for you to live in union with God, in mature awareness of the Christ Essence that you are. Your relationship with the Divine is strengthened and is the guiding principle in your life. In level three, the student is expected to continue growing in God Awareness, and to be in service to humanity. Each level 3 student will design and participate in a service project that furthers the Presence of God in the world.

If we are peaceful, if we are happy, we can smile and blossom like a flower, and everyone in our family, our entire society, will benefit from our peace.”
– Thich Nhat Hanh

Frequently Asked Questions

Will I become ordained or a minister after this program?

The CLM Education Program is a personal process of spiritual growth. It is not an ordination school, nor is participating in the Education Program a track to becoming a Monk, Minister, Friar, Brother or Novice. CLM Abbott Padre Paul Funfsinn receives guidance from the Holy Spirit during his prayer time in knowing if someone would be invited to enter the Monk/Ordained Community. This process is separate from the Education Program.

What are the materials used for learning?
The main teaching tools in each level are the books, CD’s, movies and activities in the syllabus, and the reflection papers you write, based on your experience with the syllabus materials. Your papers are an opportunity to reflect with God on how the material affected you, and what that means in your spiritual development. Each student is assigned to a Spiritual Companion from the CLM Monk/Ordained Community. Your Spiritual Companion will reflect with you on your papers, and help you to discern more clearly the next steps on your spiritual path.
How do I apply to the program?

To request acceptance into the Education Program:

  1. Read the introduction to the Education Program, which describes the intention for the three levels of the program.
  2. Review the Level 1 Student Curriculum.
  3. Attend a two day CLM Healing Retreat, in person or on Zoom. Send a 1-2 page review of your retreat experience and tell us your reasons for desiring to enter the program.
  4. Include a picture of yourself.
  5. Send to:
    1. Spiritual Shephard Padre Paul Funfsinn,
    2. Education Director Rev. Susan Wallace,
    3. Copy to: Education Program Advisor, Bishop Renee Plendl,
    4. Copy to: Bishop Bob Bearden,
    5. Copy to: Bishop Dana Duryea,


Is there tuition for the program?

Tuition for the Education Program is due as you are accepted into each level. If you desire to set up an interest-free payment plan, we will arrange that with you.
Level 1 $500
Level 2 $250
Level 3 $250

Who do I contact if I have more questions?

If you have questions or desire clarification regarding the Education Program, email Rev. Susan Wallace,


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