Follow the Breadcrumbs
March 9, 2022

by Bob Dinga

Life will present you with incredible gifts and adventures if you eliminate resistance and follow the breadcrumbs laid out in front of you by the Divine.

In the mid -1980s, while living in Southern California, I began losing my eyesight and was inspired by a drinking buddy to learn about alternative “healing”.

Breadcrumb #1: My Buddy referred me to the Crystal Cave metaphysical bookstore and told me a “white witch” would be there to assist me in my quest to heal my eyes. Not a witch, but a very young salesgirl pointed out some books on healing and on chakras.

In the late 1980s, I began reading about angels, dolphins, ETs and healing methodologies. At the same time, my future partner Diana was reading books on higher consciousness and healthy eating practices.

In 1991, I moved from Southern California to a small city in Central California named Scotts Valley. The city of Scotts Valley is adjacent to Santa Cruz (Holy Cross) and is located in the midst of the California redwoods.

Breadcrumb #2: Prior to my move from Southern California, with the help of a psychic, I had foreseen living in the redwood forest near the ocean. Having been a surfer in my earlier years, living near Santa Cruz (Surf City) was going to soothe my soul.

Within 6 months of my move to Scotts Valley, I met my beloved best friend and partner Diana Rose. At the time of our meeting, Diana had a busy schedule as a flight attendant and had a couple of male companions in different cities. She told me that she was not interested in starting another relationship but the Divine had another plan for us.

Breadcrumb #3: One day while walking in the redwood forest in Scotts Valley, I heard these words very loud and very clearly in my right ear: “They will all peel away one-by-one.” Within another 6 months, I would move in with Diana and share the adventures described below.

Once we moved in together in 1991, our attention shifted toward a variety of metaphysical teachings and meditation practices. Our ritual included reading teachings from up to nine different books every night.

Breadcrumb #4: At some point in our practice of reading, we received material from ASSK, a group organized by Sister Thedra in Mount Shasta, CA. ASSK was the abbreviation of the Association for Sananda and Sanat Kumara. Sananda is the name given to the Ascended Master Jesus/Yeshua in the ascended realms. Sananda was referred to as the World Teacher. And, according to the Theosophical Society, Sanat Kumara was referred to as the Lord or Regent of Earth.

While living in Mount Shasta CA, Sister Thedra was the first person to begin channeling the Ascended Master Jesus as Sananda. However, various religious factions in Mount Shasta were not aligned with Sananda’s teachings and Sister Thedra was forced to move. She relocated to Sedona AZ and began publishing the “Scripts” or transcripts of Sananda, Sanat Kumara the Venutian and a variety of Ascended Masters. Sister Thedra channeled and transcribed 2000+ pages of transcripts and approximately 4-5 books.

Breadcrumb #5: An important note: there were references to Ascension Chambers in various locations on Earth in Sister Thedra’s writings.

In 1961, Sister Thedra was visiting with a group of archaeologists at the famous ruins of Chichen Itza Mexico. While at the ruins, one of the archaeologists was given permission by Sananda to take the photo shown below.

Breadcrumb #6: In early 1992, Diana and I received a video tape from a friend called “Message from the Mothership”. This video was a homemade movie created by a couple from England who had visited Sedona and had been taken up into an enormous spaceship. The story was so intriguing that Diana and I decided to take a trip to Sedona. We had just completed a trilogy of books on the Vortices of Sedona when this movie and the Scripts from ASSK arrived at our home.

We eagerly set out on a nine-day trip to Sedona. We visited and meditated at the 4 major vortices and even bought our first quartz crystal at one of the many metaphysical stores. At night we continued our voracious reading practice. At one of the crystal stores, I asked the salesperson if they had ever heard of a “guy named Sananda who is supposed to be Jesus? And if so, were there any books about him?”

Breadcrumb #7: A man inside the store had noticed we had a Santa Cruz decal on the rear window of our Jeep Cherokee. He chimed in and said that one of the best Sananda channelers lived in Santa Cruz and his name was Eric Klein.

Following our visit to Sedona, our lives were never the same. Some level of awakening had occurred, and Diana and I would begin a new and exciting spiritual journey together.
As for Eric Klein, we spent every Wednesday night for the next 3 years meditating with and listening to Eric channel Sananda and a variety of Ascended Masters and Archangels.

Breadcrumb #8: Santa Cruz is a mecca for spirituality. You can find a class or teaching on just about anything you can dream up. One day, Diana invited Keffi Bell to our home to perform live-blood-cell analysis using the latest dark field microscope. Keffi was also a devotee and supporter of Kali Ray a local Tri-yoga teacher. After our blood test, Keffi told us of her trips to India where she assisted Kali. Keffi described India in such a horrible way that I later said to Diana “I will NEVER go to India, that’s the last place on Earth I would go to.”

Breadcrumb #9: Eric Klein was friends with Crea who was another channeler from Santa Fe, New Mexico. Crea channeled the same Ascended Masters as Eric and also some very interesting spaceship commanders. In early to mid-1992, Crea invited Eric to hold a weekend channeling workshop in Santa Fe. I signed up immediately but Diana was unable to attend due to her work schedule.
Crea channeled Ascended Master Saint Germain every Thursday night. But on this Thursday, Crea was to attend a one-night workshop being held by Norma Milanovich. Norma was a channel for Ascended Master Kuthumi. Master Kuthumi was also a world teacher and had incarnated as St Francis of Assisi, Pythagoras, Shah Jahan who built the Taj Mahal and more. So I joined Crea to see why this other channeler was more important than receiving a message from St. Germain.
Breadcrumb #10: During Norma’s workshop, she said that Master Kuthumi wanted her to take 43 people on a sacred journey to India and Nepal. Norma said that the group was to visit many sacred sites in India and culminate the journey with a special meditation in Nepal at 6:03 am on a specified date. Master Kuthumi indicated that the group would be responsible for opening an Ascension Chamber in the Himalayas. At the sound of the word “Ascension Chamber”, I knew that I must be on this trip with
Norma even though it meant going to India.
I eventually participated in 10 of Norma’s sacred journeys and visited 18 countries. My favorite mission, organized by Sananda and Master Kuthumi, was a 30-minute meditation at the base camp of Mount Everest in Tibet with 24 other travelers. While in Tibet, Diana was on Maui, Hawaii with another group chosen by Sananda and Master Kuthumi to support the mission in Tibet.
Remember the earlier quote: “I will NEVER go to India, that’s the last place on Earth I would go to.” This story can be summarized with a paradoxical statement: “Never say never.” The Divine has a plan for you and all you need to do is follow the breadcrumbs.
Photo taken at the base of Mount Everest, Tibet, following a 30-minute meditation requested by Master Kuthumi

More breadcrumbs led to a series of 81 trips to Brazil over the next 20 years to seek continued healing of my physical eyesight. In May of 2005, Padre Paul and Padre Ron chose Diana and me to lead a large group of CLM spiritual seekers to Brazil. Our assignment was to facilitate contact with John of God and the Entities of Light that supported the healing mission of the Casa de Dom Inacio (House of Saint Ignatius). Our group was comprised of 111 seekers whose primary mission was to receive personal healing and a deeper connection with the Divine. Thus began our deep and loving relationship with Celebrating Life Ministries and the beautiful souls that make up this loving and compassionate organization.

And, in 2014, I returned to India to study at the Oneness University and meditate in the
ascension chamber known as EKAM.
Padre Ron Roth blessing Diana and me, May 2005 Casa Tour

Bishop Bob Bearden, Padre Paul, and Bishop Dana Duryea celebrating Mass at the Casa de Dom Inacio, June 2017

EKAM, 2014