Love Brings Miracles
June 21, 2022

 By Student Gustavo Zijlstra

Love is the source and essence of creation. Therefore, when we open our hearts to love, we align ourselves with God and his Divine energy, bringing blessings and miracles into our lives.

Love, when unconditional, can transform your life. Sri Bhagavan, an avatar and founder of the Golden Age Movement, simplifies what love represents with this beautiful quote:

“Life is complete only when you nurture love in all its forms”

The road to discovering love begins by loving yourself. You begin to love yourself by accepting who you are. Loving yourself is learning to unconditionally love what is inside you. That process starts by looking at your inner world. Because our inner world is the reflection of our external world. The turmoil inside yourself is the same turmoil of your external world.

We are beings who are in conflict with ourselves and that is reflected in our external world, in our relationships with our family, peers, co-workers, and others. See who you are, and love yourself as you are. When we accept ourselves for who we are, we begin accepting others for who they are.

An important key to begin accepting yourself for who you are is to become authentic. We hide behind our own conditioning/programs and our minds use coverups to survive. We don’t dare to see what it is inside us. Looking inside ourselves is painful, because it hurts to see the truth. Our mind and ego are not allowing us to dig deep inside. We find excuses for everything that occurs in our lives and typically is someone else’s fault for everything that happens to us.

If you focus on the hurt, you will continue to suffer, but if you focus on the lesson you will continue to grow. A good exercise is by bringing observation and attention to those disturbances that are coming up, like anger, sadness, loneliness, fear. As they come out, hold them with slow and deep breathing to see the underlying emotions that are the reason for your situation. By allowing yourself to see your deeper truth and becoming authentic you become conscious of the coverups you use for survival. Becoming authentic will liberate you from your conditioning and programs that have been running your life.

When we open ourselves to love, miracles come into our lives. I would like to share this miracle that occurred a few years ago that shows the power of love and the miracles it brings.

My son, Taylor, asked me for $300 so he could travel to visit his girlfriend in Oregon for Valentine’s Day. At that time, my business payroll was coming up so every penny was going to the bank. So, I couldn’t lend him the money. I felt very sad about not being able to help him and my simple words were: “If I would have an extra $300, would give it to him for his trip”. A couple of days later, I got up early to make my favorite coffee and while I was having breakfast, had this intense urge to organize my business’ sales receipts. Every day after work, I would put my daily credit card receipts in an envelope inside the cupboard with the cash separate, to be deposited the next day. But since I was enjoying breakfast, decided to do it later. Ten minutes later, that urge became like a call to organize the daily work immediately. So, I did. Began organizing receipts by day and labeling each envelope. To my surprise, there was an envelope sitting in the back of a bunch of envelopes, with no label. I opened it up, and there was $300 cash that I didn’t know existed, especially because every extra penny was going to the bank immediately. So, I ran upstairs, woke up my son, and said to him with a big smile “Here, you can go to visit your girlfriend”. He looked at me very surprised and said “But you needed it for your payroll” and I replied, “It is a miracle for you, you can go now”. That girlfriend he visited on Valentine’s Day is now his wife, and they are happily married.

That was a remarkable miracle. I believe prayers, when coming from the heart, are authentic, and are not meant to hurt anyone, are always answered.

When I look back at my life, there were many more miracles, and some unnoticed. God is always there to assist us even when we have not asked for it. I am sure that you can also find miracles in your life. By bringing and paying attention to those miracles, you will start seeing more and more God’s Divine presence within you.

Love brings miracles because God and its creation are pure love and as children of God, we are also pure love.

Love & Blessings

Gustavo Zijlstra