When the Honey Flows
July 8, 2022

 by Rev. Darlene Antoniewicz

“And while the earth endures, seedtime and harvest, cold and heat, summer and winter, day and night, will never cease.” 
Genesis 8:22

If you journey the upper Midwest in the summertime, you may feel like you are traveling through the middle of one of Mother Earth’s oldest living ecosystems: the rainforest. Deciduous mighty oaks, hardwood maples, white pines, balsam fir, spruce. An abundance of color lines the ditches along rural highways with dwarf lake iris, chicory, and swamp milkweed dancing in celebration of Nature. And: It is when the honey flows! 

In 2019 when the Divine Mother Earth intuitively told my heart: “Research beekeeping. You are going to become a honeybee keeper in 2020. Her assignment was so out of my realm! I am not a distinguished hobbyist nor known for consistency in anything for that matter. But I listened (who says NO to the Divine Mother!) and joined the local beekeeping club, studied the expertise of university entomologists, and naively believed I knew more than I did. Ha! 

In spring of 2020, we welcomed 30,000 honeybees to our newly-created bee yard, just as the pandemic seized the planet. Our honeys, however, were completely unaffected by our humanity crisis! The honeys (as they are affectionately known) immediately set up shop showing off their “waggle” dance, a highly sophisticated form of communication which lets each other know where their food Source is, what direction to go, and the distance they will have to travel to get it. Holy Source. This astonishing social pollinator speaks its own language of “frequency”, has been on the planet for thousands of years, and is the only living insect that produces food for human consumption: Honey. Holy Currency. Medicine. Life Force. Soon, our 30,000 honeybees became a windfall of 70,000+ buzzing pollinators, and our backyard emerged as a living rainforest. 

By the grace of the Holy Spirit, this year we began our 3rd year of beekeeping. It is so not an easy assignment! God knew how to raise the bar in calling me way beyond my scope of spiritual practice, yet daily Gifts me with an invisible invitation within the Mysteries of Her Presence. 
So I ask you — challenge you – to what level of the Mysteries have you been intuitively called? And are you following through? We all are gifted to live in seasons – with abundance present in every season. Divine Mother Earth calls you NOW and gifts you abundantly with Her Gifts of the Spirit: gratitude, forgiveness, compassion, service, receptivity, transcendence, intuition. Assured Love of the Divine Mother. Christ Consciousness. Yeshua Jesus. Love. Always. Love.

 “Keep your face to the sunshine, and you cannot see the shadows. It is what the sunflowers do.”      Helen Keller

Rev. Darlene Antoniewicz
CLM Ordained Minister