My Encounter with the Divine
July 14, 2022

 By Student Nicole Withrow

After spending much of my life separated from God, blocking out the light, I have begun opening myself and my heart to all of the magic and mystery of the divine. This transformation has taken place over the last 6 years. Slowly and carefully I began to walk on my spiritual path and back to the light that I know myself to be. The more I opened and listened the more opportunities and callings came into my life. I began to trust more and more and let go more and more, as I answered yes to deepening my commitment to my walk with God.

This past Spring, I was called to Medjugorje. When I connected to Mother Mary and asked her if it was in alignment for me to go on this journey the answer was a clear “YES”. And when I asked her if I would be supported financially if I made this leap of faith, again I received a clear “YES”. Without hesitation and driven by a deep knowing I booked the trip.

My experience in Medjugorje was filled with the grace of God. The Divine mother’s presence was palpable and danced around our group as we prayed, climbed mountains, and enjoyed gorgeous family-style meals.

On our last day, we had a window of free time. Two of my friends and I decided to ascend apparition hill one last time. As we climbed we recited the Hail Mary and brought ourselves into alignment with her grace. Once at the top I sat before Our lady and with my eyes closed I asked for a miracle. I asked her to release from my heart the fear, grief, and anger I had been holding for a long time. I began to see a beautiful pink ribbon tie my wrists together and placed in my hands was a cross. It became clear that the pink ribbon symbolized the chains I have placed on myself. Soon waves of energy came from my heart to the cross and then the ribbon loosened and released.

In an altered state, I went next to the beautiful statue of Jesus and placed my hands on his legs and bowed my head. All of a sudden, the most beautiful energy I have ever felt came into my space. Pure LOVE. It enveloped me, and I allowed it to hold me as I cried. It filled the newly emptied space in my heart and changed me forever.