The Journey Home
September 1, 2022

 By Bishop Robert Bearden

After 2 years of being primarily on Zoom format, 2022 has proven pivotal for deeper reemergence of body, mind, and spirit. Once again, I am united with humanity in profound physical goodness. Taking a CLM pilgrimage to Medjugorje in March, followed by our first powerful Spring Retreat in April, and then back-to-back summer Retreats in Illinois this July, have resulted in joyous healing beyond the limits of imagination. Rejoicing in shared Godliness brings tears of joy and profound gratitude. This path home has brought healing, perspective, and provision with a greater sense of belonging. From the mountain to the valley, spiritual renewal is important for the soul.

Taking action to move along our path, and creating a spiritual life, can be challenging, joyful, useful, and is always essential. The walk clears the lower vibrations of regret, fear, shame, grief, anxiety, and inauthenticity, and brings about a bounty of Grace. This can be experienced as “The Road to Emmaus” for those willing to see. As I have heard many times “the solution is always within the problem”. I use this metaphor as a guidepost, so as not to abandon myself when the road gets bumpy or unfamiliar. I simply look for a symbol, messenger, or call out for The Divine, to simply reorient my senses from “this is hard” to “Hallelujah”. Yet, I know that one needs to have the courage, conviction, and creativity, to see what is there, and to stay with “The What is”, as long as possible, when the going gets tough.

Sri Bhagavan teaches “that anything will work if your heart is in tune with the truth”. Taking the help of The Divine will always bring one through to their truth. I have found that no one can go it alone. Each instructs and helps on the ways to navigate my path authentically. Thus, a connection to my authentic self, fuels my journey evermore, and is creating space for deeper awakening in service to the Divine. “All roads lead home”, and as Ram Dass taught, “we’re all just walking each other home”.