The Sweet Messages
November 23, 2022

 By Rev. Angelika Schafer

Right now on planet earth, more than ever it seems to be a time of fast and thorough purification of old material and I am doing my best to stay open and dance with the challenges, instead of suffering them, knowing that each one of them is bearing a gift of great value, perhaps more so than the blissful moments of my life.

Just like earthquakes, some challenges of course seem to be of greater magnitude than others and recently one of those came along. I knew that even with all my resourcefulness and ingenuity I could not solve this and I let go and gave it to God. The next morning, while watering the flowers in front of the cottage I discovered a little being with a big message. A black and golden bumblebee had found a home for the night, sitting motionless in a purple flower.

And then I got it – the message – when you can’t solve something, just find the sweetness and beauty of the nearest flower, curl up, sit still and wait for the light and warmth of the sunshine to thaw you out, so you can fly once again into the next beautiful moment and day. And so that little bumblebee as God’s messenger showed me how to trust and lighten up and let things unfold the way only God knows they need to. May you dear reader also find the sweet messages in your life to guide and comfort you. 

blessed be

Rev. Angelika Schafer

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