Code of Ethics
March 10, 2023

 By Rev. Darlene Antoniewicz

Lake Superior, WI

“In everything, do to others what you would have them do to you”.
(Matthew 7:12)

One of my favorite places on the planet is Lake Superior. To witness Spirit dancing on Her uppermost layer in the midnight transparency of the Northern Lights, the Consciousness bows to Her in total surrender. She is not a tourist attraction but by invitation only. Holy moments for sure. And she lives by the Code.

Are we, as a society, willing and able to raise the bar for ourselves and humanity and embody the authentic Code of Conduct? Ethics are spiritual law in nature and unchangeable. Lake Superior knows that. Divine Mother Nature vibrates the Presence. We say yes that we will obey, and feel and even commit to following Her lead. Our inheritance. Yet, I believe all we are experiencing on the planet is a direct reflection of how we have treated Her for centuries. Survival must have a moral compass that raises the bar for humanity and allow the frequency of Love be the truth for all. Have we done that? I believe the catastrophic shifts we are witnessing and living here now are a direct result of our missing, degraded ethics. Reflected back to us. Listen to the rhythm of your spirit. Where is the Golden Rule? Research your heart. Can you do what you say you will do? Do you have courage to commit? Are you an unsung superhero or have you accepted an attitude of mass consciousness? Divine Nature doesn’t turn around and look into the past and say “did I get it right?”. She moves and creates and unfolds the Mystery. So are we ready to make a commitment of ethics – a Divine covenant – to God? Work at it. List them. Survive them. Heal. YOU will raise the frequency for ALL of us – and return us to the vibration of Love. Lake Superior will surely bless you for it.

Darlene Antoniewicz, RN, Ordained Minister