How Childhood Trauma Affects Your Health & Your Connection with God
May 4, 2023

 By Bishop Dana Duryea

The topic for May 8th’s free CLM Tele-service will be “How Childhood Trauma Affects Your Health & Your Connection with God”. Presenters will be Acolyte Eric Otto, Irit Schaffer, and myself.

25 years ago, I recognized that although I had a very bright future in front of me I found myself unhappy and not able to find God. I prayed for a solution and an opportunity opened up to do a very intense, distinctly scheduled therapy model called “The Process” that changed my life for the good by releasing old conditioning and programs that I had accepted as a young child. At the very same time, I also was diagnosed with asthma, yet the doctors could not figure out what I was allergic to; I knew that it had to do with the trauma from my childhood. Using the methodology of “The Process” to reveal to myself where I first experienced the trauma, as well as the accompanying limiting concept, along with alternative healing modalities, I was able to return to knowing my true self as well as I was able to completely heal my asthma.

Today I use the same process, along with the tools I use at my spiritual growth school (the Foundation for Spiritual Development), to look at the detailed moments in my childhood where I consciously chose to stop being myself, that also is tied up in my Covid long-haulers symptoms I’m currently experiencing in my health. Working closely with a couple members of my health team, Eric Otto & Irit Schaffer (who have also done ‘The Process’), we have all seen great insights as to the choices we made as a Spirit, between our inception-early childhood years, that has led us to forget our true authentic Spiritual Self, as well as the reasons why we pushed away from God, such that we all now experience a deep connection with the Divine & freedom from those limited concepts as our Health returns to normal.

Please join us on May 8th, to look at how healing our childhood trauma Will not only help our current health situation, but return us to a personal relationship with God.