The Power in Rest and Finding the Presence
June 16, 2023

 By Ali Denton

I like many of us have been programmed with the to dos and the shoulds. I should be doing certain things, like making dinner every night or making sure everyone is good around me. I have been unraveling these to dos and shoulds because I want to redefine what it means to be my true self. I have been unraveling these with the power of rest and truly tapping into God’s wisdom. 

Rest is not a familiar place for me to dwell. In fact, rest scares me as it wasn’t really allowed in my family of origin. It was frowned upon and the worthiness came from being productive. God has really been getting my attention with having my teachers and people in my corner gently remind me that that is the key for my healing. Recently during my tele class, I talked about the ways in which I was tapping into the power and doing the ice bath and other tools. Exercising when I feel tension, breath work to shift and so on. 
What I didn’t realize is that I can shift when I rest. We are after all human beings, not human doings. The power of stillness and the immediate quiet that brings in a presence I yearn for. My practice of listening to music and letting the healing tones fill my being without having to do anything is an incredible practice to healing the to dos. When I take deep breaths in to really fill up on presence because being human can be very challenging. With the news, the constant change, I have learned that I cannot do this alone. I cannot walk this path without the presence of God, my guides, saints and angels. God wants us to be in listening and walk the path side by side. Letting go of our agenda. I know I have a long way to go but this is a major starting point for me. God I walk with you.