Going Home into the Great Unknown
July 14, 2023

 By Juliette Tanzi

How to be in service to those that are going home. So this is an interesting thought going home. Going to that next dimension, going back into the heart and breath of that Mother/ Father God Holy Spirit. Are we ready go back? Go back … Going back to what, you might say. Death can be scary, the great unknown. The final adventure. Do we go willingly, clearly open to uniting with the Divine Presence? Or do we fear death? If we are fearing it, then as my grandma said it is time to get right with God.

What does that mean? To me is to clear up Karma and start being in service to humankind. How do we clear up Karma? We recognize where we have not hit the mark or “sinned”. Where we could have done better. We work on ourselves, our wounding and heal it. We ask for forgiveness. We love one another as ourselves. Which means we need to love ourselves as God loves us. To see ourselves through God’s eyes. We pray and ask to know this love, we ask to remember we are enough. We recognize and correct our actions so when that time comes we will not be burdened by the chains that bind us. Whenever I think about that I think of Jacob Marley carrying the chains of his misdeeds. He said, “I wear the chain I forged in life. I made it link by link yard by yard. I guarded it on my own free will and by my own free will I wore.” He tells Ebenezer Scrooge, “I am here to warn you tonight that you have yet a chance and hope of escaping my fate”.

How can we do this? We need to help our fellow humans and ourselves. We can ask for help in this. There are beautiful beings on that other side, some may call Angels, and I call them the helpers. They are there for us: they help us through life and they also are there when we exit the body. We need to ask. We go into prayer. We love more. We listen to the whisperings of Spirit. We connect to the Source of Love… God. As Marley said, “Mankind was my business. The common welfare was my business, charity, mercy, forbearance and benevolence were all my business.” We then must make humankind our business. I have found that if I listen I receive the whispers from God. Which could be to go give that person some money. Maybe it is visiting someone who is ill or helping an elderly person. Perhaps it is volunteering in a soup kitchen. It could be to pray for that person. I find that is the most important thing we can do for the living and those who have passed.

This brings me to the important reason to pray for the dead. So remember the chains that Jacob Marley took over. If he had someone who prayed for him, things could have been much different. How do I know this? Well, I had a near-death experience and it is easy for me to communicate with these helpers. I work with them in releasing spirits from their bodies. The most profound experience I have had was the death of my grandson. He died from an overdose of drugs. Usually, this creates a fog and chains that bind the person to a suffering from which they created. The day this happened I had asked our CLM community for prayer. These prayers uplifted his spirit and broke those chains. It was literally the most beautiful thing I have ever seen. So it has been a mission of mine to let everyone know we can release those binds in us now. Pray. For those who may have already left pray for them too. Ask for help from God.

For it is there for us and for those who have already gone. I hope that this will inspire you to seek out our helpers/Angels. Remember they are here for us. As you pray ask not only to be uplifted but to uplift all of humanity. This includes those who have crossed over; ask that those chains be released. Ask for forgiveness for ourselves and others, as Jesus instructed us in how to pray the “Our Father”. Mostly don’t dread the leaving of your body, instead know that you will be returning to the Divine love of God and someday we will all reunite in this love.