God Glee
August 4, 2023

 By Daniel Denton

This is a term that I came up with a few years ago to explain the experience that I had with God on the daily basis. And it’s a term that has created much momentum and joy in my pursuit of living in communion with God. It is with great joy and gratitude, that I am able to share what God Glee means to me with you in this post.

God is everything, everywhere, all the time. But are we witnessing all of this as God everyday? When at work, when driving, taking a shower, or paying bills. For me, I find my connection with God strong in the morning when I pray, meditate, and set my intentions for the day. However, once I embark into my day, I get swept up by it and am taken away maneuvering and working my way through work and life. Only to come home and reflect with the realization of how much “doing” I did in the day and how little presence I had with God. It can be hard, challenging, and sometimes downright defeating as we journey down our paths that are riddled with twists, turns, struggles, ups, and downs. So many times I have set forth in my day vowing to be present and aware of God in all moments of the day and there will be streaks where I achieve this, but more often than not at the end of the day, I’m left in awe of how distracted I got, or times of anxiety where I felt alone, or struggles that I thought were all mine.

And this brings me to the point where I struggle. I have a strong habit, a habit that I have had my whole life, I habit of thinking that I am in control, that it’s all on me, I’m alone, and that it’s important that I remember the past so that I can better plan my future. But we all know that this habit leads to suffering and leaving no room for God. There is a Blessing in all of this however, because of this habit is why I went looking for God, desiring God and committing myself and all that I am to him. It is because of the miseries I have experienced without God, that I work so hard to create a new habit of communing with him as much as I possibly can. And the joy in all this is when we have the awareness of where we are off and make the commitment to go on our journey with God around us and Jesus holding our hand, is exactly when we start seeing God’s love all around is in everything. Because we are looking for it, seeking it, and desiring it.

This is where God Glee comes in. When we are navigating through our day, God has a way of showing himself to us, shaking us up out of our distracted ways and reminding us of where our attention needs to be, on him. But most importantly that we are not alone, it’s not on us, we are doing all things with God in his world. And for me there is nothing more joyful than witnessing God in action. God Glee usually comes in the simplest of forms, like when I’m rushing out of the house and am stopped in my tracks as right in front of me a bird is staring at me and when I look up the spiritual meaning of the bird, the words are exactly what I needed to know about my day. God has ways of sending his words to us. Or when you look down at your phone and the

numbers are all lined up like 4:44 or 1:23. A gentle reminder of the divine magic of God. Or when you’re thinking of a person you haven’t talked to in months, so you go to text them, and as your typing that person calls you! It’s God reminding us of our abilities with intention and that we are all connected. Or when I say a prayer asking God a question when I’m in need, a random page number comes up in my mind and flip to it in “Jesus Calling” book and the message it reads answers my question precisely and exactly. Such joy in having God talk to me indirectly and the indescribable magic of being able to turn right to a page with the exact answer I needed. It eliminates my mind’s ability to discredit it and I’m only left with the answer that it was God. Or a friend sending you a text message of support or prayer right when you needed it, but leaving you perplexed as to how they knew to text you in that moment. And it can happen in bigger forms too, like having something on your vision board and it falling into your lap with no effort or cost at all, to the point where it blows your mind of how that could have even happened. When God Glee happens, you no longer feel alone, you are reminded that he is with you, that there is divine magic happening all the time. We just need to open our eyes and welcome it in. It’s a joyful experience that I have fondly come to call God Glee.

So I leave you with this. God Glee is all around us, all the time. We just have to believe in the divine magic, believe in God’s presence in our lives. Then be open to it and be aware. So now, go get you some God Glee!