Miracle Story
August 16, 2023

By Andrea Brachfeld

I was in love with Pedro. Or I thought I was, but it ended up being a sanchita karma relationship where past life karma needed to play out. He dumped me after two years with no explanation- nothing. My heart was broken. I remember the feeling in my body when I realized what had happened. Numbness, disbelief, shock. It was what happened afterward that blew my mind. I started feeling weirdness in my fingers when I was playing my flute. I ignored it by practicing more, being the type-A personality that I was! It got progressively worse until after about a month, I couldn’t play my flute at all; my energetic and emotional body were all out of whack.

I started to do research and discovered I had focal dystonia- a specific neurological movement disorder. I went to the head of neurology at Colombia University in NYC and he confirmed it. He also informed me that there was no cure and I would never be able to play again! He was talking to the wrong person! He did say they were doing a clinical trial with Botox and asked me if I was interested in participating. I then asked him if Botox was dangerous. He told me it wasn’t and the Botox would not spread to the rest of my body but would stay localized in my finger. He obviously wasn’t aware of the fact that my finger was attached to the rest of my body. That’s western myopic medicine for you.

At any rate, I politely refused the clinical trial and my adventure to healing began. I went to every doctor and holistic healer that had initials behind their names. No one knew what focal dystonia was and obviously how to cure it, but they all did the best they could. It wasn’t until I realized that I was in the victim mindset that I began to heal and the miracles began. I saw a show on LINK TV where each guitar player had a dysfunction in their hands but they figured out a way to play anyway; some with a butter knife and others with their feet. My consciousness moved into healer and my energy shifted.

At that point, I found this guitar player online who, after asking me if I had a broomstick, had me simulate playing my flute on the broomstick. My fingers didn’t trigger! Great news! He then told me that I needed to essentially create new neurons to override the broken ones by using opposite movements in my fingers; thinking about picking them up instead of pressing them down. At the time I was teaching in the Princeton public schools and obviously I couldn’t carry around a broomstick! They already thought I was weird so I found a wooden recorder and continuously practiced the opposite movement to create the new neurons. Miracle upon miracle in three years the dystonia was gone!

I then decided to write an article about my healing and more miracles began to manifest. Curing myself awakened an ability to heal others. I thought then I had found my second calling, career, and anticipated a long line of clients! Surprise! God had other plans. Of course! Yes, I did, and do healings but it’s always a one-time session. Spirit channels me and I feel so blessed that I’ve helped so many people.

At this point, I’m able to sense dysfunction in people’s bodies and I seem to be living in a state of constant miracles where my abilities of clairvoyance, clairsentience, and clairaudience have been activated. I never charge, as I was once advised by my spiritual mentor that these gifts are from God and all people need to have access to them. She also said to keep your day job!!! So thank you, Pedro, for breaking my heart open to miracles, and thank you all for reading my humble story!