Embracing Change
August 31, 2023

 By Monk Maya Paul

Change is constant in this world. Everything that lives is either expanding and growing or

shrinking and dying. Many people resist or fear change and like to stay with what is familiar and known. And yet, when we embrace change the result can give insights into who we really are. Change allows our True Self to emerge. It can also bring amazing new experiences. It’s empowering to learn how to move with the flow of changes, and let go of judgements and attachments.

Change is expected at certain times in life such as with graduations, marriage, or the birth of a child. We usually see these changes coming and have time to prepare for them. Many times excitement and joy are felt in connection with these times. Change can also come as a complete surprise. Unexpected changes could come from an injury or a death, the loss of a job, or a natural disaster. Often these changes happen suddenly, can feel jarring, and have a vast array of emotions connected with them including all levels of fear, anger, sadness, and disgust.

When I was young, changes seemed big and scary. It felt like they created instability in life. As I grew older, I moved through changes many times. Some were natural milestones, and others were unique experiences that were sometimes really hard and painful. But by moving through all of these times, I learned that I am capable of riding the waves of change. Stretching beyond my comfort zone, often resulted in joyful experiences, and always brought forth growth and learning. Sometimes the most painful changes brought the biggest steps in my growth.

Recently I read a quote by Father Richard Rohr: “To not let go of our false self at the right time and in the right way is precisely what it means to be stuck, trapped, and addicted to our self. (The traditional word for that was sin, the result of feeling separate from the Whole.)” This is another way to describe resisting change – to be stuck, trapped and addicted to our self.

Over the years, I have learned to embrace change, even when it feels overwhelming, scary, or heartbreaking. Embracing change is a way of being. I ground myself in the present moment, connect with the Divine, and surrender to what is next, no matter how I may feel about it. I watch for judgement or attachment that may be present and then I choose to take the next step forward anyway. This is a process that I learned and have had to practice. It’s not necessarily easy, but it is easier than it used to be.

Veronica Cowen, Lisa Kay, and I will be leading a teleconference on September 11, 2023. We will share stories about how we have learned to embrace change in our lives. We will bring in prayers and healing to support listeners in learning how to embrace change in their lives as well. We look forward to being together with you on the call! Listen to the recording for free here.