A Heart All In
January 10, 2024

By Monk Ryan Rigoli

Painting by Rev. Miriam Karell

“In seeking God, remember, there is one thing He is seeking from you: your love and devotion freely given from your heart.” Paramahansa Yogananda

Last year, my partner Miriam and I watched a movie called Amerikatsi. It’s about a man, Charlie, who escapes the Armenian genocide as a boy by fleeing to the United States. He later returns to Armenia under a promised repatriation program and attempts to start a new life. Not too long after he arrives, he is falsely accused of being a spy, arrested, and immediately sent to a prison labor camp.

What is so poignant and shockingly beautiful about this movie is how Charlie spends his time and attention in prison. Even with the daily hardships, he finds a way to devote himself to the Light. He doesn’t hold onto blame of his captors. He stays committed to his well being and that of others around him as best he can. He focuses on Love in his own unique and endearing way. His devotion to the goodness and Light around him brings back to him the grace of forgiveness, the grace of beauty, and the grace of friendship in the most unexpected ways. Although increasingly exhausted by the prison conditions, the Light of God continues to shine through him and strengthen his Being. Over and over, things are stripped away from him, and yet more is given back to him – clear sight, depth of wisdom, an expanded Heart, compassionate helpers, and the strength to carry through on his mission.

“The eyes of the Lord range throughout the earth to strengthen those whose hearts are fully committed to Him.” 2 Chronicles 16:9

When I read this passage and reflect on this movie, what I’m reminded of is a fully devoted Heart–– one that is turned towards God’s unending grace, no matter the circumstances.

We all have our challenging circumstances in life where we feel stuck, locked in, unable or unwilling to budge – whether in our work, a relationship, a group, or just within our own minds afraid or unsure how to take the next step in our growth. Whatever it may be, Life comes down to a commitment to awakening to our true nature while being in relationship – with another or a community we’re a part of OR with humanity as a whole, the natural world around us, or the realm of Spirit within and around us. We are interconnected to so many aspects of Life and every choice we make makes a difference.

How will we respond?

These past few years, I have often asked myself, ‘What am I really devoted to in this moment?’ Is it wanting to be right? Desiring significance? Attempting to escape pain, or indulging in fear? Wanting to defend myself, my perspectives, or who I think I am or am not? Or, am I open to receiving and offering something more life giving to myself and to those around me? Am I willing to stay open hearted, intentional, and curious in order to see others, myself, and the natural world more deeply than ever before and devote myself to what the moment truly calls for?

Until we let our hearts awaken to God’s Love we will never truly see. Yet when we let Love end the separation in our hearts, we will see what’s most essential and know how to bring peace into this world.

“Giving love to all, feeling the love of God, seeing his presence in everyone… that is the way to live in this world.” Paramahansa Yogananda

What if we devoted ourselves to a higher level of truth in any situation, even beyond what we think we know…or to remembering and receiving the consciousness of Love that we already are, regardless if we feel worthy or not…or to staying true to our soul’s deepest intention no matter the collective perceptions or pressures of the world around us?

What becomes possible when our Hearts Are All In?



Come join Padre Paul, Monk Christi Levannier, and myself for a special one-night Zoom event, where we will explore the topic of Divine love and how we can love like God–with a heart all in. You can click here to learn more and sign up. https://www.celebratinglifeministries.com/home/TeleClassSeries01.cfm

Monk Ryan Rigoli

How to reach Ryan:
Website: https://www.ryanrigoli.com/
Email: ryan@ryanrigoli.com

Amerikatsi Film

Link to movie: https://amerikatsi.film/trailer?fbclid=IwAR2Wtw6DR5M7WTUFXtCJipc-ZN7focjFB3FuEJE-4TjRtXgDqjmikFni58g

To learn about a real story with parallels to Amerikatsi, listen to our last CLM teleservice where Rev. Miriam Karell and Rev. Darlene Antoniewicz are joined by spiritual healer and author, Irit Schaffer. Irit shares stories of how her father, Zoli, stayed connected to his Light while in a concentration camp and devoted himself to the energy of Love in all that he did. A conversation and healing prayers with the three of them starts at minute 16:00. https://fccdl.in/bMB4LJVIFb