The Hand of God
July 2, 2024

By Monk Mary Kay Simmons

As a small child I would hear my mother & grandmother talk about “the hand of God” being involved in some serious situations. I am a Catholic and would hear the nuns at school and the priest at church refer to the “the hand of God at work” also. Yet as a child I was baffled, I did not understand the spiritual messages that were being shared. Also I could not understand how the hand of God was at work in my life, and I did not know how to have a conversation about this subject. Growing up presented challenging situations and difficult choices to be made and I did not experience the hand of God guiding me and informing me, it was my fear and anxiety supporting my choices.

Unfortunately, it has taken me years to truly understand that the “hand of God” has been with me all the time… waiting for me to take his hand, to have a real relationship with him instead of being with my fear and anxiety. I had to first learn to be still and know, be still to be able to feel his presence.

I eventually came to understand what “be still and know” meant in my life. My nature has always been one of being active and busy… just keep moving and life will change and hopefully for the better. I have been described as hyperactive, high-strung, jumpy, easily excited. I learned to be a runner which managed some of my anxiety and fear. I also took nursing positions that demanded my focus, learning, and attention plus long hours to produce the results wanted and which supported having a busy and active life. Until it didn’t. I began to manifest physical and emotional issues that force me to look for more effective ways to manage my anxiety and fears.

I turned to meditation…to be still and know. I began working with a wonderful healer (which in hindsight was the hand of God at work) who was very clear…I needed more than just meditation I needed to go back to my roots…i.e. church. Going back to church allowed me to open myself up to more spirituality and go deeper. I became active in Celebrating Life Ministries and began to participate in Oneness. In time I began to see glimpses of God presence in my life.

As stated in – Isaiah 41:10

“So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.”

One of the biggest steps I had to take was to stop making myself wrong for having a very active nervous system. I learned from my kind and understanding healer, spiritual courses, and life experiences that my nervous beingness mostly likely started at conception. I discovered if I would own and accept my very active nervous system, I would be able to change it! With much spiritual work on my part and the help of the Divine holding my hand and me feeling the acceptance and compassion from the Divine and my earthly healers I was able to stop making myself wrong and I found a new freedom in being!

I am very grated for my life, for the nervousness and for the anxiety and fear, all of it has brought me closer to my God, my Divine. I have created a completely different life…A life full of much joy, a deeper spiritual life that is rich, and has more meaningful practices that support me being with my Divine instead of the fear and anxiety.

The Tele-Service on July 8th, the Hand of God, with Maya Paul, Shirley Ryan and myself as lead will explore each of our individual ways, we have learned to take the hand of God that has been right next to us during our lives and allow that guidance, compassion and support to lead each of us on goingly. We would love for you to join our call. Find registration information here.