Experience Healing

A sacred space where you can reconnect with your true nature.

The power of healing

The Experience of Healing in CLM

At Celebrating Life Ministries (CLM), we provide a sacred space where you can reconnect with your true nature as an eternal being. Our focus is on healing that transcends belief systems, offering a grace that flows from the Holy Spirit—a divine, boundless source of spiritual energy.

This healing invites you to experience the nonconditional realm of causeless love, joy, and peace—states that are your natural inheritance as a child of God. These profound states of being aren’t distant or unattainable; they are available to you here and now.

“AS happy as I was in my life, I didn’t have GOD’s Light, I had Light with happiness but I didn’t have or know the Presence. And it was the greatest gift of my life. I was literally renewed again in the Spirit at the first retreat. I was made whole. It gave me new life. I could not believe where this peace was my whole life.”


The Healing Space of CLM

Celebrating Life Ministries (CLM) values the life you live, no matter your mental, emotional, physical, or spiritual challenges. What makes healing at CLM unique is our embrace of all perspectives—no specific belief or worship practice is required to experience healing here.

Whether through mindfulness or praising Jesus, healing is about reconnecting with your true nature. At CLM, we honor all paths to God, unified in our mission to bring healing and wholeness to everyone, just as they are.

“I fell into the arms of the Divine & remembered my purpose. I walked out remembering my first love of Jesus, & the Holy Spirit, and it all just came pouring back into me. All of the differences, all of the pain, all of the torment, everything just drained out, and I had this incredible healing.”


Divine Support in Healing

At Celebrating Life Ministries (CLM), we are blessed with a profound connection to the Holy Spirit, the Angelic realm, and beings of Light who guide and support our healing work. Our ministry is graced by the presence of Jesus, Mother Mary, and many Ascended Masters of the Christ Light, along with entities of healing Light that surround us.

The Holy Spirit and Archangel Raphael play a central role in our healing efforts, guiding our monastic community, which is devoted to the Order of St. Benedict. This foundation in healing prayer and our deep connection to divine Love is what draws people to our events and our community.


“In 2019, I had a healing at a Celebrating Life Ministries healing service. A trio of leaders approached me as it was my turn. The trio told me it was OK to help myself and to love myself and whatever else was said was so emotional that I was almost convulsing from crying so hard with tears of love and joy rolling down my face. It felt like Open-Heart surgery. Since that time, I’ve sought out more. I want to feel that same emotion that I felt, the Holy Spirit entering my life for perhaps the first time on a conscious level. That one event brought me back to God and a feeling of Love eternal.”

Mark Didier, Chicago, IL
“I got down on the floor and there was a huge energy of pure light, pure wisdom, pure acceptance, pure love… it was absolutely beautiful. I barely have words for it. I felt cleansed, absolved of all perceived wrongdoings, like there was never anything to forgive. Absolute Peace. Thank you.”

In-person Retreat

Thank you all for the beautiful retreat this past weekend! I feel so grateful to have discovered the CLM community this past year, and to be able to be present in the healing energy held and mirrored at these retreats. I was able to experience during the healing sessions on Saturday a larger space of love and support around me that I now have as a reference point to carry through my week and beyond – and the way everyone sees and reflects our family unit is so nourishing. We are all so grateful!

“What a truly gorgeous retreat- gorgeous is the best word to describe the heart, truth, growth, healing, and intention that was collectively present. I was reflecting on my growth- from constricted and fearful to devotional surrender and feeling this heart-expansive appreciation for God’s insistence, for CLM’s holding and for the willingness of my mind to submit to my authentic tone.
I feel blessed beyond measure.”

Love, Liza


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