Feel It to Heal It: Journey to Freedom
January 18, 2024

 By Monk Shari Shea

“Our Divine Birthright is to be well, and Feeling is the key to Healing”

Healing is a very personal journey for each one of us, it comes in all shapes and sizes as does our childhood traumas. If you’re a human living on this planet, you have had some form of trauma brought upon you either through family, teachers, friends others, or all of the like.

The good news is, we can heal these wounds, that affect our behaviors and relationships with family and others. The key is to be a willing participant, in your story of life, which means we may need to take off the rose colored glasses that protect us and keep us stuck, from feeling discomforts we experienced throughout our childhood years.

Desmund Tutu stated:

“By letting go of past hurt, we can heal not only ourselves, but our families, our community and our world”.

Desmund himself, was a man of deep compassion for all, he lived with unwavering love and integrity for humanity, all the while he held the memories of witnessing his father verbally and physically abusing his mother, the fear in her eyes and helplessness he felt.

It takes great courage to Feel and Heal the painful pieces of our lives yes, and as we heal layer by layer; another link from our ball and chain is broken. We take a deeper breath with Holy Spirit Light, walk a little straighter, hold our head a little higher, for the freedom we feel has been long coming. The journey of healing never ends, and as we continue to bravely embark upon it, we are made anew piece by piece.

Rev. Penny Clements, Novice Jordana Lazarevic and I are joyfully looking forward to sharing with you, how we have worked on and shifted some of our painful childhood experiences through taking the 9 week Process workshop and working with other support people, bringing to our beings, Deep Healing and Freedom!!! Learn more and sign up here.

Courage is our magnificence.