Spiritual Deployment
January 5, 2024

 By Rev. Darlene Antoniewicz

MIRACLES AND MYSTERIES. This has been core the last few years. Deepening. And as I enter 2024, it continues in the mystery consciousness of self realization. My spiritual relationship with the Divine Mother continues to be a deepening transmission with powerful silent wisdom and channeled visionary awareness. Never in a language I speak fluently! Only in sacred frequency. (Honeybee).

For this post, the Mother unveiled “Spiritual Deployment”. I didn’t know what that was. “Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms.” (First Peter 4:10-11). I would like to say the Divine Mother just shows up, tells me and I share with others. Not so. Always presented in Mystery within the language of Her Heart.

Many of you know and are experiencing an enormous gathering of Light right now on the Planet. Very powerful. Sobering. Everywhere we step or turn there is Light; and at the same time, a shadow emerges from this Light. Off to the right a bit, I see…Us! And am instructed we are to “breathe within our Being.”

A limitless circle expanding in infinity, we are being offered a 2024 assignment: to open our awareness in this Living Light, and as we do, an ancient, sacred symbol is being presented to you. May be an image of Earth. A Saint or Mystic; the sacred beating Heart of Yeshua Jesus; the Divine Mother; a sacred Color for you. Ask that you recognize that it belongs to you. It is Your Spiritual Deployment. All that you have experienced and learned and embodied for centuries, is here now in highest consciousness ready for transmission in Service through you. Experience it. Become One with It. Download it within your very Being. Travel deep within your heart and process. And birth this gestation of Being fully alive. Always: Pray. Pray. Pray. Every breath of your Being is prayer:

“Divine, Holy Oneness. Your rhythm touches my fingertips as the flesh of me touches you. Alive flesh. Much is held within that flesh as we rise to highest consciousness. Self-realization. God realization. “Stillness is the Altar of Spirit” (Paramahansa Yogananda). Remember us, Lord. Ameen”.

“An infusion of energy always alters that which is touches; its physical law. What’s less well known is that it is spiritual law as well”. Padre Ron Roth.

Much love.
Rev. Darlene Antoniewicz
Celebrating Live Ministries

Join Rev. Darlene Antoniewicz, Rev. Miriam Karell, and Irit Schaffer on Monday, January 8 for a free tele-service on “Become Limitless: The Gift of Light”. Listen to the tele-service here.