Gifts of Meaningful Memories
December 8, 2023

 By Stephanie Sword

It’s that time of year…the holiday season is upon us. I tend to find myself overwhelmed around this time, usually because I have to contend with Mother Nature when I am trying to get something done. Today was the day I needed to get my Christmas tree since I go into the forest and cut it down myself, and snow was coming this afternoon. Fortunately, my son was home today to join me in the Christmas tree adventure.

On our way into the forest I was telling my son that I really wanted to find a Silver Tip this year. They are beautiful trees but not very easy to find in the areas the Forest Service allows for tree cutting. We walked and walked, climbing over fallen trees, through dried up creek beds, up and down hills, but no Silver Tips. As we walked we told each other stories, remembering past years in the forest cutting down our Christmas tree. We finally found a tree that we both thought would be perfect, even though it wasn’t a Silver Tip. Together we carried the tree out of the forest just as the storm was starting to roll in. On the way back home with our tree I realized the stories we shared as we were looking for our perfect tree were never about the tree itself. Our memories were about the times we shared together, with family and friends, looking for the trees. I was full of gratitude for the time I just shared with my son laughing and connecting, creating a new memory. As we approach this holiday season, may we all be blessed with gifts of meaningful memories with those we love.