October 26, 2023

 By Monk, Rev. Susan G. Chamberlain

Positively have FAITH in GOD. The Saints never walked anywhere or did anything without GOD. In the world today, your could say, GOD has my back and know it to be true. Once you were Called, there was no going back.

St. Padre Pio

The Saints witnessed a lifetime of trials and tribulations, cheers and feasts. Many had run-ins with demons, fallen Angels who chose dark over light. The best example from a modern day Saint would be St. Padre Pio. He had nightly run-ins with demons. Demons will possess your Soul if you’re running on the same frequency as them.

Mary and Jesus

Blessed Mother Mary carried the Faith of GOD’S promise in her womb, conceived by the Power of the Holy Spirit. Mother Mary, the Blessed Mother is our first Saint. She is our very first example of literally ‘Living by Faith and Trust’ of GOD.

St. Louis-Marie Grignion de Montfort, TOSD (31 January 1673 – 28 April 1716) wrote many books on Mother Mary, ‘True Devotion to Mary’ , ‘The Admirable Secret of the Rosary’ , ‘The Secret of Mary’ . St. Anthony of Padua, St. Catherine of Sienna, St. Therese of Lisieux, St. Francis de Sales, St. Padre Pio, St. Dominic ( he began the Rosary), St. Bernadette, the St. Children of Fatima, St. Gianna Beretta Molla (who was a Mom herself) and so on throughout the centuries were devoted to Mary, She is Mother to All.

St. Therese

Faith is the only way a Saint could live, the only way a Saint could survive. GOD was their, and is their, only Source. They were blinded by this world and could only see GOD in their Heart.

(2 Corinthians 5:7) “For we live by Faith, not by sight. “

(Matthew 17:20) “Truly I tell you, if you have Faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you.”

(Luke: 17:5-10) Faith … And the apostles said to the Lord, “Increase our faith!” And the Lord said, “If you had faith like a mustard seed, you would say to this mulberry tree,’ Be uprooted and be planted in the sea’; and it would obey you” .

Every Saint lived by the Obedience of GOD. They knew, they know, All things are responses, answers, dialogue with the Divine. Everything has a Spiritual meaning. The Saints lived with GOD oozing out of every pore of their Divine Vessel.

St. John of the Cross

Once the Dark Night of the Soul begins, the Saint(s) have nothing to do but hold on tight. The biggest decompression of the ego comes and a huge expansion of the Soul occurs. There are so many Dark Nights, hence the Path of a Saint is a road least taken. The depth of the Dark Night will bring you to your Soul’s Divine Core, where the only understanding is GOD. St. John of the Cross ( Doctor of the Church – ‘Mystical Doctor’ ) wrote “Dark Night of the Soul” a most influential, intriguing Journey of the Soul in its Shadow Life; he was also mentored by St. Teresa of Avila and her Confessor.

St. Joan of Arc

The Saint(s) Path is like no other. Each individual Saint is unique unto itself, just as every individual Soul Journey is unique unto itself. They agreed to live their TRUTH, the TRUTH, no matter what. Many died serving their Divine Purpose with the utmost Faith. The Saint(s) were all driven from Within, with a Passion beyond this earthly plain.

The Saint(s) Trusted GOD with all of their Heart. Each Saint was driven to obtain a Pure Divine Heart. Yeshua, Jesus was their role model, as HE was 100% Divine and 100% Human. HE lived fully through HIS Divine Heart of Infinite, Unconditional Love. You could see HIS Aura from far away and as you got closer the Glow of HIS Divine Heart saturated HIS Being and everyone who was around HIM.

Jesus Divine Mercy

When Yeshua, Jesus was here, HE spoke In Aramaic. This language was not about the words so much as it was about the Vibration.

When Yeshua, Jesus spoke HIS words penetrated your Heart and Soul. You were actually lifted up in Light and filled with more DIVINE LOVE. Anyone present in HIS field had some form of Healing through Divine Love, it was automatic.

Yeshua, Jesus’s words of Truth have just Expanded into our Consciousness NOW. Can you feel them? 2000 years ago the Seeds were planted. The Masters are here to receive and expand them.

St. Francis of Assisi

Humble life, Humility is what the Saint(s) lived. They were sculpted out by GOD to remove anything less than LOVE and anything GOD did not create. This affected their Body, Mind, Spirit, and Soul. When GOD Calls You, You will be Purified according to Heaven, not this planet.

Guardian Angel

The Saints are truly Alive. When someone Prays for a Miracle by a Saint, GOD is Present and so is the Saint the individual is Calling upon. We are all Eternal Souls, hence there is no true death. The Saints are Aware of You, as well as, your Guardian Angel.

All Saints Day is a Holiday for the Presence of the Living Saints.

Monk, Rev. Susan G. Chamberlain

Join Monk, Rev. Susan G. Chamberlain and Bishop Renee Plendl for a free tele-service this Wednesday, November 1 celebrating All Saints Day. Find more information here.