Inner Freedom
August 10, 2023

 By Monk Mary Kay Simmons

For me, inner freedom is the opportunity to discover my authentic self every moment of each day, consciously and continuously. Since I freely chose to take Monk vows, how I live my life is directed, supported, & showered by blessings from My Divine. I wake with my thoughts focused on the Divine…. thank you for protecting me and supporting my well-being while I sleep, and then the question… Divine what would you like me to do for you today?

Like everyone, I like things done my way, have my desires met, my wishes and wants satisfied. I have learned, however, those short-term satisfactions are not gratifying or lasting. It is when I listen and follow my spiritual heart that warmth arises and an inner glow emerges within. I feel the expanded freedom of God when I let go.

Listening to my Divine’s guidance is a muscle I am building.

When I bring more attention to my surroundings it helps me hear what the Divine is asking me to pay attention to. I can see with expanded sight, hear with expanded listening and I am more present. In this presence, I can be of greater service to my surroundings and can see who might need assistance, who might need to feel supported and love: A homeless person in need of food or an umbrella to shelter from the rain, a sad and depressed looking person may brighten with a smile or even a single flower offered to them. I am learning that by constantly keeping my eyes open to the possibility of God’s Hand pointing me the direction of His will is the best way to stay connected to my Divine.

Freedom for me is being able to release my will to God’s plan.

As John Henry Newman said “God has created me to do Him some definite service. He has committed some work to me which He has not committed to another.”

I know this to be true, that inner freedom comes from this depth of commitment to the Divine and to receiving the Divine’s commitment to me. It’s my desire to keep my eyes open, to expand my awareness, and to listen for the words, the guidance, the knowing of my next step in service to my Divine.

Listen to Monk Mary Kay, Rev. Susan Wallace, and Megan Numair’s recent tele-service on the topic of spiritual freedom here.