June 29, 2023

 By Rev. Susan Wallace

Freedom is understood as the ability to act without constraint. Real freedom, the freedom of spirit that exists without regard for circumstances, is the truth of our nature as God’s created beings. Throughout human history, across cultures and traditions, there have been people who taught, through word and example, the true nature and expression of freedom.

The Master Jesus came to earth to proclaim freedom for humanity. On Holy Thursday, when he went to the Mount of Olives to pray, he knew that the Roman guards were coming to arrest him to begin his torture. He prayed, “Father, if you are willing, take this cup from me,” I believe he spoke this aloud in order to demonstrate for us the normal human desire to avoid horrific suffering. And he taught us how to rise above our fears as he chose to obey the purpose for which he was born, “Yet not my will but Yours be done.” No drama, no pleading, no agonizing. Jesus freely fulfilled his purpose.

Jiddu Krishnamurti, Indian philosopher and teacher, said, “Don’t mind what happens. If a pleasurable experience comes, accept and allow it. If a painful experience comes, accept and allow it. Have no resistance to what is. The process of accepting and allowing provides many opportunities for developing awareness and self knowledge. Be attentive and learn. As you find the truth of your being, this truth will set you free.”

Epictetus, the Greek Stoic philosopher, was born a slave, and lived physically as a slave to another person. His body was captive, but not his soul. Epictetus spoke to his owner, “You think of me as a slave, but God has given me my freedom. I abide by God’s commands, so no one can take my freedom from me. True happiness comes from true freedom. To be pure, clean, to have patience and determination to obey God’s commands, to be empty of sorrow, worry, fear, this is freedom. You see, for this reason, I am not a slave, but a free man.”

The Sufi mystic Rumi described his liberation through the mystery of Divine Love. “I have become a servant. A slave rejoices when set free, but God, I am so happy to be your servant. I am so joyful! Hatred, anger, jealousy, pride, arrogance, lust, all those habits of hellish nature, are bondage. Many people are so tied down with these invisible ties that they are not aware of their captivity. One can save oneself from prison by digging a tunnel. An axe can cut an iron chain. But no one can cut through the chains they do not see. Those who are liberated from hatred, anger, violence, wrath, other negative and harmful feelings, they are the ones who are genuinely free.”

The woman who stepped forward to wash Jesus’ feet with her tears, and dry them with her hair went outside the bounds of what many people considered correct behavior. She was criticized and judged negatively, but this did not stop her. Jesus praised her actions, as the free expression of a loving heart.

The Book of Job contains one of the most difficult lessons of the Bible. I believe it is difficult because many fall into the trap of trying to understand God, while the real teaching here lies in understanding Job. Job was wealthy and successful in the worldly sense. His family, his property, his standing in the community were vast. But Job put God above all else. He trusted God and praised God and thanked God when times were good. And when times got tough, when he lost property and family, health, and standing in the community, when he was urged to curse God, he did not succumb. His soul was not up for grabs! Job exercised his inner freedom to love and trust God, regardless of circumstances. His prayer is an amazing testimony to the power of a free spirit. “Naked I came from my mother’s womb, and naked I will depart. The Lord gave and the Lord has taken away. May the Name of the Lord be praised.”

Today, as humanity moves into the Golden Age of Enlightenment, Avatars Sri Amma Bhagavan are here to liberate humanity totally and unconditionally. Their Liberation Sutra evokes a grace that can raise consciousness into a state of Oneness.

Liberation of life
Liberation of the senses
Liberation from the self
Liberation from the mind
Liberation from knowledge
Liberation from conditioning
Liberation from society
Liberation from work

This is truth.”

These are just a few of the mystics and teachers who are available to help us attain our true nature as liberated beings. They honor our free will and await our request to be present in our lives.

May I attain freedom.
May you attain freedom.
May all beings attain freedom.

Join Rev. Susan Wallace, Megan Numair, and Monk Mary Kay Simmons on Monday, July 10 for a free tele-service on the topic of spiritual freedom. Find more information here.