The Presence & Power Lies Within Your Very Being
June 1, 2023

 By Monk Shari Shea

We are not alone, and never have been alone. Most of us, however, have had many times in our lives when we have felt VERY alone, absent from God, the very light that is within and all around. I love the word Omnipresence, as it reminds me that wherever I am, however I am feeling and whatever I am doing, the Light is constant and always there. It is this Presence and Power which helps us grow, helps us heal/expand/transform, helps us create the abundant lives that we all seek. Our guides, angels and master teachers, come along to support us in our own individual unfolding journeys.

Have you ever paused to reflect on just how awesome you are? The depth of Love that God has for each one of us is beyond what we could ever imagine. The Light can touch the dark places to help transmute the energy, as we surrender to “feel and heal” the pain from the past. Your life truly matters as does mine. We are all an integral part of this overall human experience, to love, heal, serve, and remember.