Choosing God & Being in the Presence
April 26, 2023

 By Student/Acolyte Gabrielle Banta


A teaching that I have been learning over the past month is that Creator is always available and all I have to do is choose it. Last month, I was guided to watch a movie and I set the intention to watch it with God. When I sat down to watch the film, I felt the Presence filling the space right away. All the heaviness, feelings, and tiredness from my day evaporated. I felt light in my heart and had more energy. I became curious about why the Presence so naturally/automatically came into the space. When sitting with this question, I was shown that this space is always available. When I was watching this film, I just decided to say yes and I was choosing to be with God and in the Presence.

I then became curious about why I do not choose the Presence more often. I was guided to sit with this, open up, listen, and allow for the information to come. After reflecting with God and my guides, I was shown that I leave the Presence and have a habit of leaning into my blocks and attachments. I can try to “figure things out myself” or lean towards “what I want”. I realized that these are habits/patterns that are changeable. I then asked my guides how I can begin to shift this and call in this Presence more often. I was shown that in each moment, I have the choice to pause, observe my space, listen to guidance, clear out/surrender my blocks, and connect/open to Source. I get to practice this over and over again throughout my day. This is my next step with the Divine.

During this step, I have also been guided to begin allowing God into my heart more. I notice that when I choose to have the Presence in my heart, I feel like myself. I feel safe, open, and present. When I lean back into the space of who I truly am and allow myself to open my heart to God, I feel like I am able to interact with others and the world in a true and aligned way.

Another time that I practiced inviting in the Presence was when I was spending time in listening and prayer. Recently I had the opportunity to offer prayers to a group. I spent time earlier in the day connecting to Source and organizing my prayers. While doing this, I could feel my connection with God. I then went to work and continued to feel this tone in my space throughout my day. When being with the prayers, dedicating time to being with God, and being in listening, I was saying “Yes” to this connection and nourishing my relationship with Creator. I am so grateful that the Presence is always here and that I have a choice to be with God in any moment.

I was guided to share the below quotes and prayers.

“…at any moment, if we can learn how to connect with God from the depths of our heart, we can open our channels to receive all the energy of God. At any moment, we can become the eyes and mind of God.

…how we are to become the mind of God. When we are plugged into prayer and are communicating on an authentic level with God, our barriers are down and we are letting God speak to us. We are letting ourselves be confronted by the presence of God about what needs to be enhanced or changed or healed in our lives…”

The Healing Path of Prayer by Ron Roth, p. 126

“ I am with you and for you, your constant Companion and Provider. The question is whether you are with Me and for Me. Though I never leave you, you can essentially “leave” Me by ignoring Me: thinking or acting as if I am not with you…

When you feel far from Me, whisper My Name. This simple act, done in childlike faith, opens your heart to My Presence. Speak to Me in love-tones: prepare to receive My Love… I am delighted when you open yourself to My loving Presence.”

Jesus Calling by Sarah Young, p. 103