Let Love Live Through You
March 1, 2023

 by Rev. Miriam Karell

These five words are a simple yet deeply powerful teaching. They are the essence of our natural state of being. When we let Love live through us, life becomes an effortless flow, a happening, and joy and aliveness are forefront. The mind is no longer the driver but a witness to the unfoldings. The heart is at peace like a calm river that gently pours into the vastness of the ocean: open and free. There is nothing to push against. There is no struggle. There is no other. There is only spaciousness and presence and a continual wave of support guiding each step. It’s like the sound of laughter moving through a canyon- the continual echo of reverberation awakens the essence of who you are and you become embodied.

What I am experiencing in my life these days is that when I allow myself to be immersed in Love, there is a natural kindness that softens the intensity of growth. The terror or despair lodged in me from childhood or past lives loosens and suddenly there is a space of causeless joy. There is no effort in achieving a state. A way of being naturally emerges and I know I’m home in me. Even when I don’t feel in the moment that I could possibly let Love live through me because I’m stuck, Love takes hold of my hand. Love shows me the miracle in that moment, a way to be kind to myself, and then my whole being relaxes. This is the power and truth of ‘letting Love live through you’. It is a beingness our heart yearns for.

Open yourself up to the deep yet simple truth of this teaching and be immersed in the field of Love on our teleservice March 6th from 4:45-6:00pm PST. Rev Darlene Antoneiewicz, Acolyte Sunil Patel, and I will access a space of healing to rest our bodies and hearts into.