An Encounter with the Divine
January 11, 2023

 By Rev. Shirley Ryan

A few years ago, I was traveling home from a trip to the Casa de Dom Inacio in Brazil. While at the Casa, I had a miraculous healing and bought a necklace with a beautiful cross to remind me of the miracle that I received.

I was in the Chicago airport waiting for a bus to take me home to Wisconsin. The terminal was unusually empty of people and quiet. I became aware of the sound of shuffling feet and a squeaky cart wheel. I looked up and saw a homeless man, limping, and very slowly pushing a cart full of his worldly possessions through the terminal. This struck me as odd. Where did he come from and where was he going? How did he push the grocery cart in inches of snow and remain totally dry? I was curious about this fellow and said hello. He nodded, and then he stopped and asked me if I believe in Jesus Christ. I said, “why, YES, I do!!!” He said “That’s good. I see you are wearing his cross.”

I offered to buy him lunch from a cart nearby and we sat together and had a nice conversation. He told me about his life. It was a wonderful life; earned a good living, had a kind wife, but no children. She became sick and eventually died. He had a sadness about him as he talked about her, for he missed her every day. He said with her gone, he lost everything.

I noticed his soda was empty and offered him another, which he happily accepted. Returning to the cart (which was within 20 feet), I turned around to ask if he wanted the same flavor, and he was gone. Poof!!! Within seconds, he and his squeaky cart had silently vanished.

I was left with a strange feeling deep within my soul that this was somehow a test. Was I kind to him, respectful, and of service? How many other times have I been tested and missed the mark? You never know who God will put in front of you and what encounter you will have!

Thank you,
Reverend Shirley

Attached is a YouTube clip about an ordinary day that a mother and daughter had an encounter with the Divine. I hope you will enjoy it.