Life Resolutions
January 4, 2023

 By Monk Maya Paul

“Be strong and courageous for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.”

(Joshua 1:9)

The New Year is commonly a time of resolutions. To be resolute means to be “purposeful, determined, and unwavering.” A resolution is “a firm decision to do or not to do something.” Resolutions made at the New Year often come out of a space of reaction. How can we bring deeper meaning to New Year’s resolutions?

One thing I’ve noticed is that no matter whether a resolution is big or small, the key is the energy behind the resolutions. They can come out of a heavy energy that is judgmental, needy, fearful, or any other reactive state. Or they can come from a divine energy – a space of connection, listening, and commitment to being in the flow with Source. And resolutions can be made at any time of the year.

Most days I start my day with a meditation to clear my space and let go of the distracting thoughts that swirl through my mind. Eventually, I reach a space of stillness and connection. Today while in this flow with Creator, I asked about “life resolutions” that are from the space of Divine flow. I was shown a beam of light that came down and connected into my heart. It continued down into the earth and at the same time this energy radiated out into the world. It looked like a vibrant cross of light. The download came that it is a way of BEING. It is to be my purpose in this lifetime and to do everything from that state. It’s the Divine connection with my true essence – my Spirit brought to earth – radiating out into the world through time and in space.

Throughout 2022, I witnessed a number of people make huge Life Resolutions from the space of flow with Creator. One of my clients committed to staying aligned and connected with Creator throughout her preparations for marriage. A friend co-created new life through becoming pregnant. And two friends made the difficult choice to end their long-term relationship. Each of these people made major life resolutions. And they chose to make these life resolutions consciously, in listening, and with Creator.

“Not my will but yours be done” (Luke 22:42)

On Saturday, July 30, 2022, I made a major life resolution of my own. After years of preparation, I was professed as a Monk in the Spirit of Peace Monastic Community in Celebrating Life Ministries. This ceremony was a public declaration that the Divine comes first and foremost in my life.

Upon further reflection, I realized that in order to be able to receive messages from Creator, I have to make a resolution on a smaller scale each time. I need to be purposeful (I set an intention), determined (I commit to the process), and unwavering (staying with stillness and listening even when I don’t “hear” anything). This process of connection and embodiment with the Divine in each moment is a resolution. And as we begin another year, I remind myself of this commitment to put Creator first in my life.

Every single person has the ability to make resolutions out of the energy of Divine flow. Start wherever you are now! And continue to explore how to connect ever more deeply. The keys to being able to do this in my life came through accepting myself for who I am (flaws and all!), working to clear the blocks that hold me back (through therapy, spiritual work, and movement of my body), and opening my heart. This process takes strength and commitment. It takes time to embody the energy of who we really came to be. And at the same time, it’s our true nature. And it is our continual work here on earth to grow and bloom.

“May I have the courage today
To live the life that I would love,
To postpone my dream no longer
But do at last what I came here for
And waste my heart on fear no more.”

(John O’Donohue from A Morning Offering in To Bless The Space Between Us)

Blessings to all for an expansive and growth-filled New Year!