Wash Over Me
November 3, 2022

By Monk Thomas Hildebrand

I am finishing the largest project I have ever created and I spent the day worrying about how things were going to come together. Feeling tension around the way some of the people who work for me were doing things. At the end of the day, I realized that the last 6 weeks I have been living in a level of suffering. I have built this home with God through me and with me. I had felt I was in listening and then at a retreat Christi showed me that the light had gone out on the project. Which meant that I was not tapping into my connection and using my tools with God to co-create this home and help it sell. I came back to work and started blessing the property every morning for a week. Saying prayers from the center of the property and then the 4 corners. Just doing the elemental things. After that, the property came back to life and the spiraling gold, white and blue light coming from heaven flowing down through the property. That week instead of taking 2 steps forward and 1 step back everything shifted and the progress started taking 10 steps forward. From the time I started back with the blessing and intensionally holding the project there was a complete shift. For me, it was a complete miracle. Still, I was penetrated by a pattern of looking at things through a lens that I didn’t trust. I’m here now asking holy spirit to take away my suffering, my lack of trust. In every moment to let God navigate. What I mean by that is that I stop and go slow. Slowing down long enough to find divine presence in my actions. There have been at least 20 guys daily working in the landscape, carpentry, plumbing, electrical, heating and air for the last 6 weeks. The energy from them has been contagious. I know when I’m uplifted that I can carry others there and make a difference to their day. Making corrections, working with them rather than it sounding critical. I’m grateful that I feel a consciousness around what I am doing that carries a divine spark and inspiration. I’m grateful for this new foundation where I stand with God and I recommit. I’m grateful for the new stillness where my head feels less congested. Also, the work with Oneness is opening doors to a beautiful presence of God in the Peak States every morning. I feel less of the urge to look forward to something. I feel the drive to stay present with God. To be in an interior prayer closet all day long. That is my commitment.

“How to interpret your experience is rather important. Are you receiving your experience as a blessing or as a punishment? That is the question you must constantly ask yourself.
All experience happens for one purpose only to expand your awareness. Any other meaning you see in your life experience is a meaning you have made up. When you see the world in its utter neutrality, you will understand that it exists only as a tool for your learning.”
