The Road to the Miracles
September 15, 2022

 By Monk Mary Kay Simmons

The focus of my life from birth until when I entered college was surviving and trying to bring more joy to my family. I was the middle child of three with a disabled mother who was in and out the of hospital for orthopedic issues during my childhood and with a devoted father who worked very hard to cover all the financial responsibilities making sure his family was safe and taken care of on all levels. I learned very early in my life how to take care of others, contribute service, and to focus on day-to-day needs. Since it was survival mode for my family and myself, there was no energy to dream or look to the future until I entered college.

I never thought I had a difficult life or that I was deprived of opportunities. Our family’s focus was on taking care of all our basic survival needs. When I entered into college, I started to learn more about opportunities and choices that were mine to make. It was exciting to discover this new world with more freedom and space to explore questions like:

 “Who do I want to be?”
 “What do I want to contribute?”
 “How could I create the life I really want?”

It was during college when I delved deeper into my spiritual life! Going to all Catholic schools from kindergarten though 12th grade offered a very narrow view of spirituality.

 Who is the God I prayed to?
 Was this God really out judge & punish me?
 Or was this the loving, caring God that my heart yearned for?

I have spent most of my adult life exploring who God is for me. I discovered many different ways to develop my connection to the spirit world- especially to a loving and care God.

In my twenties, I was nicknamed the “Magic & Miracle Gal”. I was always noticing how life was full of unpredictable events/situations that as far as I was concerned happened was luck or magic. Were these serendipities, coincidences; or were these events real miracles occurring through my developing spiritual connections. I often pondered what else could be happening.

After much exploration throughout the years, I finally saw a consistent Spirited-created pattern that brought forth many miracles.

 I started with a very clear intention for what I wanted.
 I often created a visualization with vivid colors of what I needed or wanted.
 I prayed to my God for what I desired.
 I asked for what I wanted with great humility and gratitude.
 I always prayed, “Not my will be Your will be done.”
 I thanked my Divine for hearing my request.
 I often looked at my receiving level. And if I had any doubt that I may not deserve what I requested, I worked on clearing that thought pattern and replacing it with, “I am worthy and willing to have my request”.
 As a result, I have a constant gratitude practice of thanking my Divine for ALL that comes my way!
 I have learned to trust that everything that happens is my co-creation with the Divine.

Now I have a daily practice of learning to surrender my life to the Divine. I do this with deep gratitude. It leads me to experience my deep connection to the Divine, to the Saints I walk with, and to the Guides that surround me. As I have learned to surrender deeply, I now know that EVERYTHING IS ALWAYS WORKING OUT FOR ME!

It may not be the way I pictured it and yet in the trusting and surrendering I’ve learned that the Divine’s plan for me has so much richer and deeper meaning than the one I may have asked for.