Become a Living Chalice
August 24, 2022

 By Rev. Susi Roos

One aspect of our world of duality is the dance of the masculine and the feminine, the more mysterious, darker nurturing space of the feminine, which births the creative impulse/energy and the more visible, active masculine manifesting this impulse into form and expression. Both are needed for successful and sacred creations. Yet, for the last few thousand years, the presence of the divine feminine has been marginalized in a world dominated by a patriarchy that has intentionally devalued the role and potency of the feminine. Both men and women (and the earth) have greatly suffered from this positioning. For whether we present as primarily masculine or feminine or anywhere on the spectrum, the internal balance of these two great energies is vital for a stable and thriving planet and culture.

If you, like me, are called to actively support the re-emergence of the Sacred Feminine, one way to do so is to serve as a living chalice of the sacred love that Yeshua and Mary Magdalene taught and modeled, though its brilliance has been greatly diminished in the intervening centuries. Perhaps it is true, as some scholars suggest, that the elusive holy grail might be waiting to be found in each one of us. For are we not temples of the living God?

As we fill our living chalice with Divine grace, we become channels of that grace, a source of blessing for others. And what does it mean to bless? We know if we are only reciting words, it yields little power. Blessing is a form of offering our energy, our lifeforce as a conduit for divine grace to pour to and through us for the good, the joy, and the healing of another (or perhaps for ourselves). The golden liquid light of our lifeforce infused with divine grace can be directed from our hands, our hearts, our decrees… as a tangible energy that bathes another in whatever way the Divine directs.

So, it is important to cultivate a vibrant temple and that is where spirituality blends with self-care and intentionality so that we can be worthy and effective vessels of bringing this high-frequency grace or blessing into the physical dimension. Feelings of being unworthy, too damaged, not deserving of receiving or transmitting divine grace is an indulgence that our modern world can’t afford. Truly, we need “all hands on deck” during this pivotal time in human history.

And one way I have found to amplify the receiving and transmitting of blessings is anointing with sacred oils, a practice once found in all the ancient temples of all spiritual traditions. Though not well-known, Mary Magdalene and Mother Mary were trained in these temple arts and the various anointings of Yeshua by Mary were very deliberate acts performed as necessary preparation for Yeshua to fulfill his chosen role.

Anointing is the sacred practice of consecration- utilizing holy oil as a sacred seal, a covenant between the physical and the Divine, the kiss of the Divine on the body. In my anointing training, we refer to these sacred essential oils as treasured ethereals. Ron Roth was the first to demonstrate to me the power of anointing and Padre Paul has continued the practice. These oils can seal in blessings. They are crystalline structures that can hold and amplify the spiritual essence of a blessing or the marking of a rite of passage. They can even serve to support the journey one undertakes during a rite of passage or to help clear the blockages that challenge our spiritual growth.

As an ordained minister and monk of CL and as a priestess in the lineage of Mary Magdalene, I advocate for self-care, self-blessing, self-anointing, and sacred circles as regular spiritual practice. Such practices can lead one into the mystical world of miracles, of dancing in higher realms and then bringing the sacred gifts of those realms back to others who are not yet able to dance there themselves. We can all discover and learn to embody our sacred selves, fill our chalices, become living temples that bless simply by being, by breathing, by loving touch, and by recognizing the sacred in all life. This is how, as Ron once told me, our daily lives become powerful ministries. I invite you to join me on this path of self-empowerment and self-authority that conversely leads to greater surrender. If my sharing has stimulated any questions that I can answer, please reach out.

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