An Introduction to Carolyn Myss
June 16, 2022

 by Diane Pauly, Community Emeritus

A Friend Introduced Me to Carolyn Myss, a Nationally Known Speaker.

A friend called one day saying: “Diane, Carolyn Myss is speaking next week, would you like to go with me to hear her message? I think you will really like what she has to say,” which I did, and little did I know, but my life was about to change.

Carolyn Myss had a special guest speaker with her that day by the name of Ron Roth. Ron had been a Roman Catholic priest for 25 years who left the priesthood because he could no longer live the teachings of the church. Something within him had been stirring for a long time. He was a scholar in the history of the church along with knowledge of history in other religions as well. Knowing what he knew he had to move on. He started his own church naming it “Celebrating Life.”

When he spoke, it was like he was speaking directly to my heart and soul about religion, God, Holy Spirit, the Divine or Creator. It was like the fog had been lifted and I could see clearly why I loved the messages of Jesus. It was all about Love, caring, giving of self, and forgiveness. He had a strong belief that we are all one and should treat others accordingly. He taught all this with a wonderful sense of humor that would often have us rolling in the aisles—such wonderful fond memories.

Sometime later I knew that Ron Roth was going to be speaking in his hometown area of Chicago. I turned to David (my hubby) asking: “David, would you like to go to Chicago to hear Ron? It’s going to be an all-day program.” This would be David’s first time going.

David too felt Ron’s words in his heart and soul. As we came out of the session, we saw literature displayed on a table nearby. It was information on the next gathering retreat that Ron would be having in Arizona. Without thinking about it, David said: “Let’s sign up to go!” We went to many of Ron’s gathering intensives after that — we were hooked. We were learning what we felt was the truth and the truth was setting us free in our heart and soul. Church could no longer hold us in bondage to ancient teachings about the God world.

The more involved I was getting in life, the more I was learning.

A Burning Desire to Help Others

I found myself having a burning desire to help others now more than ever. The little voice that had guided me through many years of growth was talking clearly. It was time to get serious about creating a way and means to help others, especially women who need some sort of guidance – a way of helping them to grow forward. Men needed to be educated right along with the women if everyone was to be on the same page in this “classroom of life”. But that education had to be different, not the normal run-of-the-mill way. How would I do this?

I started reading non-fiction a lot more and was learning additional new ways of thinking as a result. I attended seminars of all kinds listening to well-known speakers like Deepak Chopra, Wayne Dyer, Marianne Williamson, Dr. Andrew Weil, Neal Donald Walsch, Ron Roth, Jon Kabat-Zinn to name only a few.

I would prop my pillow every morning, and soon found out that I had to keep pen and paper at my bedside, and even in the car when David and I would be driving somewhere. The silent messages were coming rapidly.

Wendy’s Church

One morning I was writing down a message so fast that I could hardly read it. I noticed it was different somehow. It didn’t seem to fit with the rest of my morning inspirations. When it was finished, I gave it to Wendy to type up and save on her computer, I wasn’t computer savvy yet at that time. A few weeks later she called me to say: “Mom, my minister is looking for a woman to give the sermon for ‘Women’s Sunday’ service this coming week. Would you want to do that using the paper you wrote and gave to me to save?” “What do I know about giving a sermon?” I asked.  “Well, give him a copy of that message and see what he thinks,” Wendy replied.

I gave the sermon for both services, that following Sunday, on that paper I had been inspired to write while having my pillows propped one morning. Wow, who would have thought?

A number of people on their way out of church that Sunday asked if I did counseling. They must have liked what they heard. That was a good thing.

If I had not been introduced to Ron, I would never have given that Sunday sermon — and that was only the beginning. Thank you, Ron!