Breathe & Be
March 25, 2022

 By Student Olga Llerena

Breath & Be… Breath & Be… Breath & Be

Being Grateful for our Divine Mother’s Invitation to come…. Being Grateful for being able to come… Being deeply Grateful for Her Sweet and palpable Presence… Thank you Divine Mother, Sweet Powerful Virgin of Medjugorje for your Miraculous Presence and Love…

Arriving in Medjugorje with an Open Heart, allowing each moment to Be…

Being Grateful for each experience, big or “small”…

Breath & Be.

Breathing and Being.

Thank you Sweet Divine Mother for reminding me to Open my Heart and for directing me to Your Son Jesus, Our Highest Light and Love…

Thank you for showing me the Way and with your Grace, being able to just Be in the Present Moment… Allowing each experience to take place and to drop… Opening my Heart to what comes next… Opening my Heart to Grace and allowing it to go where it needs to go…

Breath… & Be.

Being Grateful for my Spiritual Family.

Saying Yes! To God, Saying Yes! To Peace, Saying Yes! To the experiences that are ready to be forgiven and transformed. Saying Yes! To my roots and honoring them as I listen to my Heart and honor my Path as well.

Breath & Be.

Being Open to receive God in many ways, during Mass, at Adoration, experiencing the Weeping Cross… Praying the Rosary on our way up to Adoration Hill, eating delicious squid, buying presents… Walking with dear Friends. Sharing meals. While breathing & Being.

Presenting my needs and my Family’s and Friends’ needs to Jesus. Allowing Jesus to meet our needs.

“Jesus, I want to receive from You first before I go back to freely give.”

Breath & Be…

It has been an incredible, Sacred, Love filled trip to Medjugorje so far. The last time I was here was in 2017 with my Beloved Husband Alex and our youngest daughter Carolina. We had a very beautiful, Silent and Grace-filled trip here at the time.

Now, 5 years later, I get to come with my Spiritual Family. What a Joy! To be back! The Divine Mother and Jesus welcomed us with Open Arms gifting us all with experiences from the very first day.

Each day has been unique, and I feel that the Divine has been taking us by the Hand, gently Loving us and direct us to release what we are ready to see and let go. At least that has been my experience. It is an Invitation, so, it is up to us to accept it and let go of our hurts, our suffering, also our “way to do things”, our small will, so that we can allow Grace to enter freely and heal us completely.

I feel that each day I feel lighter and lighter. I had a couple of days of processing but I can see that it has a purpose. The purpose of setting us free.

May we all go back Home with the Gift of Peace, with a little bit more Freedom in our Hearts. Freedom to Love, Freedom to express it fully and in that fulfilling our Purpose.

Olga Adriana Llerena
Medjugorje, Bosnia
March 25, 2022