More God in My Life, Please
March 17, 2022

 by Diana Rose

In my early years, I thought that things just happened to a person rather haphazardly and you just had to hope that you could possibly stay safe and be happy. I did not understand that you could create your own reality. I felt you could only hope to just be lucky.

Then about 30 years ago our friend gave us a cassette about the Law of Attraction which I proceeded to listen to with my Beloved partner, Bob~~so much so that we eventually wore out the tape! What a concept! “That which is like onto itself is drawn.” Thank you, Abraham via Esther Hicks. (

How simple! That caught my attention. I learned that I did have control over how things went in my life. What I was focused on was brought to me. (As long as I didn’t goof up my vibration by thinking it wasn’t possible!)

I realized, for instance, that this is how I got my flight attendant 24-year career. I was obsessed with being a stewardess from the time I was 14, living in a convent. Driven, against the odds, singularly focused, I achieved this goal and had the happiest career!

I am careful about where I give my attention and focus, learning that “worrying is using my imagination to create that which I do not want.” Another Abraham gem.

Life on Earth is filled with learning. I feel I will be learning something amazing every day of my life~~even on the very last day~~for sure the MOST on my very last day.

I am thrilled to be here in this place of intense learning and fine-tuning and experiencing and adventuring.

I have 2 favorite coffee mugs. The words on one say “Life is a series of thousands of tiny miracles”. Thank you, Mike Greenberg. I love that quote! I truly believe that.

I love waking each morning and opening to the flow of those tiny miracles that fill my every day~~the synchronicities, the “chance” meetings, the fun of thinking about someone and then they instantly call or show up, the inspirations that lead me to a place at a particular time and something amazing happens~~Yes, thank you, God and I would like more of that, please, Dear God!

So much Divine connection comes through meditation. I have learned that meditation comes in all kinds of forms. My favorite is walking on the beach in the grip of God’s beautiful nature~~ breath-taking! Another grand meditation is putting together beautiful jig-saw puzzles. Or painting. Or gardening. So many ways to love God and focus on good and commune with my Divine.

Another favorite coffee mug says “Do more of what makes you happy”. What perfect homework!

We have a bumper sticker on the wall of our kitchen that says, “Life is Supposed to be Fun”. Another Abraham reminder that I love.

And from Albert Einstein, another favorite of mine~~~
“There are two ways to live: as though nothing is a miracle,
or as though everything is a miracle.”

Yes, I choose the latter, indeed, with gusto!

Every day is a blessing, a teaching, a gift, an opportunity, and a treasure. I am playful, a cheerleader, and an optimist, and I appreciate this Earth Journey while embracing my Divine. More and more God in my life, please!

Always believe that something wonderful is about to happen!